'Neoliberal capitalism' has contributed to the rise of fascism, says Nobel laureate

schizoidman@lemm.ee to World News@lemmy.world – 795 points –
'Neoliberal capitalism' has contributed to the rise of fascism, says Nobel laureate

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Those people barely can avoid trump reign and majority don’t think climate change is real and you think they will be able to handle managing the collective economy? You are very optimistic for a doomer you know.
We barely qualify for representative democracy and you want to make economy into a direct democracy. That’s very cute, no offense.

None of this changes that capitalism is the root problem. You think we need better regulation, which is fine and pragmatic and likely our shortest route, but it's a patch.

You can take those 3 arrows out of your pfp now. Ancap ass or 3-letter agent bullshit is all you espouse. Working class traitor

I am gonna make a screenshot because this is super funny. Do you have more of that lingo? It feels like I was transported back in time to people’s republic. It’s super memeable here.

Crazy westoids think they want communism 😂

Ukrainians would drop their weapons in disbelief, gonna send one this shit