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If she didn't want to be abused why did she ever have fun in her life before or after the abuse? Mixed signals.

You moron.

I feel like the effort to make such a repo and make it popular enough to be cloned and rehosted is a lot more effort than someone manually checking the results of an automated filter process.

The "effort economy" is hugely in favor of the mirroring side

The user labelling feature is nice because I knew you were a zionist loser before even reading this nonsense

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damn where do I sign up to live in simple naive fantasy land

Sorry I didn't realize it wasn't a gobal feature. I use "Connect" on Android or the web client.

Your point is valid but this kind of lawsuit isn't really the way to go about the change you're describing

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Sorry best we can do is misunderstand the root causes and misdirect our rage to marginalized people and turn to full blown fascism

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The myth of capitalism is that it improves things for the consumer. It's very obvious that it only improves, at best, the next quarter's returns for the investor. Once that husk of a company stops "line going up," the money goes elsewhere and we repeat.

If the line can't go up through creation it'll go up through destruction.

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Bernie Sanders is an Independent, he runs in the Democratic primaries for the Democratic Presidential nomination but he sits in Congress as an Independent.

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Until someone finds a way to combat climate change that also grows the GDP and makes all of the lines go up then what's the point of taking any action? Profit is the only thing that matters above the lives of any human or animal. If it's not profitable to fight climate change how can that be a good decision? Lol imagine making a decision that's not profitable. Imagine doing something that doesn't make the line go up! This is why nobody takes scientists and liberals and leftists seriously. Do you even realize the profit impact of what you're suggesting? GDP must only go up. UP UP UP

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Once a company is publicly traded it can easily pervert the incentives so that the goal of the CEO becomes to enrich the investors as quickly as possible even at the expense of long term benefit, because stock price and investor satisfaction become the factors contributing most to executive compensation. A CEO who doesn't care about maximizing their own compensation in favor of employee welfare or company long term success doesn't keep the support of investors for very long either.

fucking bootlickers man, what makes a person such a fascist apologist

It's good to be skeptical but I'll never understand being skeptical in service of bootlicking. Why are you doing mental gymnastics to absolve this scumbag cop of any responsibility? You're going out of your way to defend a piece of shit cop while simultaneously trying to find a reason to justify shooting this kid.

Maybe you need to ask yourself why you're doing that.

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Too lazy to see CNN, BBC, CBC all reporting the same? If you take the IDF's word alone maybe their acknowledgment of civilian deaths in the strike will suffice?

You're misrepresenting both of those:

The Biden administration paused a shipment of US-made ammunition to Israel, according to a source familiar with the matter, who did not disclose why the decision was made. The hold is not connected to a potential Israeli operation in Rafah and doesn’t affect other shipments moving forward, the source said. -CNN

The Biden administration has determined that three military battalions with the Israel Defense Forces committed "gross human rights violations" against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank but will remain eligible for U.S. military aid regardless because of steps Israel says it's taking to address the problem, ABC News has learned. -ABC News

Biden is doing great!

I get that it's cool to hate on how AI is being shoved in our faces everywhere and I agree with that sentiment, but the technology is better than what you're giving it credit for.

You don't have to diminish the accomplishments of the actual people who studied and built these impressive things to point out that business are bandwagoning and rushing to get to market to satisfy investors. like with most technologies it's capitalism that's the problem.

LLMs emulate neural structures and have incredible natural language parsing capabilities that we've never even come close to accomplishing before. The prompt hacks alone are an incredibly interesting glance at how close these things come to "understanding." They're more like social engineering than any other kind of hack.

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You missed the options of using "less lethal" force as well, why go for live ammo immediately?

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Communism is when wealth disparity

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This is why everyone leaves personally identifying information on the ballot and when you vote they take your vote, look over it, and put it in a box assigned to your name.

It takes a few days for all votes to appear on the public vote registry where everyone can see who you voted for, and sometimes the president will call you to thank you for your vote.

Source: I am the president

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What do we need ISPs competing on if the infrastructure is run by the government? They can't increase speeds, they can't increase service availability, they'll just be getting a profit margin on top of what the government is charging them to use the communications infrastructure. I'd rather just pay the government the pre-profit amount

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You expect me to pay for that with MY taxes when I can already barely afford anything because capitalist business owners are sucking the wealth generated by my productivity into their own bank accounts?

Facetiousness aside you can maybe tell I have some other ideas about economic changes which might help :)

I sure hope no buildings are damaged as society collapses from climate change strain

I hear you man I also only wanna play games with people that look like you but there are only so many zoo tycoon games out there

I think the takeaway is that it's a lot easier to change the behavior of 57 companies than it is to change the behavior of billions of people and it's bullshit that individual action is the only proposed solution to climate change under capitalism.

Not just that, but individual action among a sea of intentional obfuscation, green washing, and while still pushing overconsumption.

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History tells us not much will happen

Most of those people are on the right fighting the valiant fight against 15 minute cities.

who are these pro military vegans? are they in the room with us right now?

yes you're right this is a lawsuit about too much profit and it will directly set a precedent where companies aren't allowed to have too much profit.

Pretty smart, as a leftist maybe I'll sue every corporation for being privately owned, this is a whole new avenue for systemic change. You opened my eyes

What's your policy on useless idiots? It's a time sensitive question because I just saw this opinion I'm not sure what to do with

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They fired at a military base near the crossing (preparing for the invasion) and there's currently no ceasefire, I don't particularly see why this is shocking. It's a legitimate military target

I'm so tired of this nonsense argument, is capitalism your God to which you give credit for every human accomplishment? How did capitalism help to raise the Russian serfs to the status of a world superpower? It didn't... How did capitalism help Russia get to space before the United States? How did capitalism help human life improve before the 16th century?

I wonder what you even think capitalism is. I wonder if you comprehend that technological advancement, markets, money, and trade aren't synonymous with it.

You love democracy but when it comes to matters of economic decisions you are bootlicking the petite dictators that control every aspect of your economic life. You are employed by people whose means of acquiring wealth is to skim off the top of what you're producing and steal it from you but you are too busy making eye contact while you suck them off that you don't see their hand in your pocket.

The world is burning and there's plastic in your balls because of capitalism, you are such a good submissive little peasant.

You both have good points. One interesting aspect is that this volunteer labor is actually contributing to what is making the product valuable in the first place.

You could volunteer to do QA for a software company, or volunteer to clean the floors at a bank, or volunteer to work on an assembly line... And we'd likely criticize those businesses for taking advantage of that labour if it were systemic and widespread.

On the other hand you have open source projects which are freely licensed for huge corporations to make tons of profit from, and all we expect is that they give something back (but we don't even hold them to that).

It's interesting to think about where moderation work sits among these.

I know this seems like needless cruelty towards the most marginalized people in our society but the Democrat candidate acting like a Republican is actually a really good thing.

Classic Liberals

we should ban drug cartels and sex trafficers then if policy is so good at keeping them out

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Situations often caused by US policy like the drug war, or as a result of climate change. Climate refugees are only going to get more common too.

So if Lebanon had the capacity to destroy Tel Aviv and kill thousands of Israelis they'd have your full support?

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there's a term for people who think this way and it's bootlicker. These fascist apologists line up to victim blame and tell people they're protesting wrong and gaslight you into believing an offensive occupation can justifiably murder a child. These are liberals, they call themselves Democrats and feel good that they're not Republicans but they're all the same. They're fascists and fascist enablers. Where is the left? We need to do something about all of this.

Conservatives would be the first to call anyone participating in the uprising unamerican and would be more likely to form reactionary militias supportive of the fascist government than to overthrow anything

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Everyone that works for a company is poorer, every company is scraping by and making cuts, but executives are making more and more money

Your honor putting aside my crimes for a moment is it really justifiable to send me to jail for no reason? Remember now, we are only talking about sending me to jail we're not talking about all those things I did

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