Iran launches dozens of drones toward Israel to World – 199 points –
Iran launches dozens of drones toward Israel

Inb4 lemmy supports Iran


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Your honor putting aside my crimes for a moment is it really justifiable to send me to jail for no reason? Remember now, we are only talking about sending me to jail we're not talking about all those things I did

This is a deeply flawed analogy. We are not talking about the actions of Israel but the Response of Iran being illegal: targeting civilian targets, forbidden by the rules of war.

A better analogy would be: The law says a criminal should be punished with a maximum of 5 years in prison, but the judge hands out 20 years.

What the judge did was still wrong and illegal, no matter what the criminal did.

If you want to live in a world where everyone can bomb everyone, just remember why we introduced those rules and how many nations have nukes today.

But youre still ignoring the context that it's in response to an illegal attack by Israel. If Israel isn't being held accountable then Iran knows that it won't either, in which case what's illegal have to do with it? Either that or Iran will be held accountable and Israel won't, in which case illegal isn't the issue here, rather hypocracy and favoratism.

So you're saying that we should hold neither accountable because they both did something, do I understand that correctly? Because that sounds like an awful solution.

No, I'm saying Israel has not right to complain. If you punch someone in the face, you don't get to complain when they punch you back. You also shouldn't get backup for it.