'Neoliberal capitalism' has contributed to the rise of fascism, says Nobel laureate

schizoidman@lemm.ee to World News@lemmy.world – 795 points –
'Neoliberal capitalism' has contributed to the rise of fascism, says Nobel laureate

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Okay but there was no good implementation of socialism so far.

Therefore there can never be?

Democracy took a 1.5 thousand year L. France implemented it then reverted to Empire.

You would have been saying democracy can't work.

It was an idea that evolved over the years.
There’s plenty of failed ideas. Maybe capitalism is another one that will be replaced by something better. Only time will tell. It will be exciting if a replacement happens in my lifetime. Bad systems die so no worries but what constitutes a bad system also depends on available resources.

When Empires collapse bad things happen, capitalism is a global Empire. If we let it self destruct we'll destruct with it. It'll collapse, that's certain, but if we just wait then we have no agency over what comes next.

It has to be replaced.

Good luck then. I will be observing these efforts with great interest and some popcorn. Just tell me when the first season starts.

We get it, you're an apathetic obstacle to progress and your descendants will pass judgement on you for that. I hope you continue to stay out of the way, rather than joining other liberals on the fascist side.

Wow. You are mentally ill.

Whatever helps you to dismiss things that make you uncomfortable to think about, right?

No I am just saying. I needed some entertainment for adhd brainz and you were sufficient