'Embarrassing for Putin': Russian territory is under occupation for the first time since WWII

lemme in@lemm.ee to World News@lemmy.world – 797 points –
'Embarrassing for Putin': Russian territory is under occupation for the first time since WWII

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The ruler of Ukraine is playing a game called “Defend my country from foreign invaders”.

Putin embarrassed himself by allowing it to get to this point. Russia is into year three of the war that was supposed to last a few days, over what is ostensibly his ego alone.

The ruler of Ukraine is playing a game called “Defend my country from foreign invaders”.

You are saying it in a sarcastic way but for them it's pretty much a game. Rulers don't fight their wars they send peasants to die for them.


"As of 26 April 2024, the Polish government has offered, and the Lithuania governments is considering, repatriating Ukrainian men living in their countries to Ukraine. So that they can be drafted into the Ukrainian military"

What do you mean “Sending them”? Send them where? The war is on their home soil. They don’t have to be “sent” anywhere. Even the guys who fought into Russia are doing so to get the Russians OUT of Ukraine.

And what do you mean Zelenskyy is sending them to die for “him”. The Ukrainian soldier aren’t dying for Zelenskyy. They’re fighting and dying for their friend, family, and countrymen raped and killed by foreign invaders.

What do you mean “Sending them”? Send them where? The war is on their home soil.

To the front that's where they are fighting. Not sure if you have seen it but many front lines are now wastelands where nobody lives anymore. Soldiers get send there to fight over invisible lines on the map.

They’re fighting and dying for their friend, family, and countrymen raped and killed by foreign invaders.

A soldier and a member of the army fights for the government. Why do you think conscription is a thing?


"Zelenskyy did not support a petition to allow men between the ages of 18 and 60 to leave the country abroad."

The front where they’re fighting in on their home soil. They don’t need to be “sent there”, it’s their homeland. They’re not invisible lines in a map, it’s their land, their homes. The homes of their families, their friends, their community, their countrymen. They’re fighting for eachother. It doesn’t get any more noble than that. Nobody lives there anymore because of the foreign invaders. If they win the war, people can live there again. That’s literally what they’re fighting for, not “The government”.

The front where they’re fighting in on their home soil.

You are commenting in a thread that is about this war moving on russian soil.

They don’t need to be “sent there”, it’s their homeland.

Their homeland it's not the front. Nobody lives in the front anymore, you can take a look at the many videos of combat footage available to see the destruction that got left behind. The land and homes got wrecked by both sides.

They’re fighting for eachother.

By definition a soldier of the army works and fight for the government. Anyone is free to fight for the reason they want but conscripts are forced to become soldiers and fight for the government.

The thread is about an operation on Russian soil, during a conflict exclusively over Ukrainian soil. One group operating just over the border in Russia in a defensive war doesn’t change the fact that the front line is in Ukraine. The objecting of the operation remains restoring the sovereignty of Ukraine.

Their homeland is in fact the front. Their homeland consists of the entire country of Ukraine. Even the forests and the fields. Even the ruins of their homes. Even the graves of their loved ones killed by Russian invaders. The homes may have been destroyed by Russia, but once the war is won the Ukraines can return there. That is the point.

After the war ends it will take a lot of years before the front lines becomes habitable again:


One group operating just over the border in Russia in a defensive war doesn’t change the fact that the front line is in Ukraine.

The front is where they fight and where troops are being sent, i suggest you to grab a map of ukraine and to watch the videos of this war.

Well then they better fight hard to win the war sooner so they can get a start on making their country habitable again. Operating into Russia seems like the fastest way to achieve that.

The front is on their native soil, which they don’t need to be sent to. Thats where they already were, it’s their own country.

The front is on their native soil, which they don’t need to be sent to.

The front has now also moved to russia.


Here's a map that can help you understand where they are fighting and where the front is.

Lviv is about 800km from the east front which is about the distance between UK and Italy

As you can clearly see on the map, the front is in Ukraine. One operation has pushed part of it into Russia from the Ukraine, but the front line remains on their home soil. The goal of the operation that pushed into Russia is to remove the foreign invaders from the Ukraine, so its purpose is also to support the fighting that exists on the front in the Ukraine, their home soil.

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Either a victim of disinformation or a victim of disinformation who gets some sort of material benefit for spewing more propaganda and dogma. Either way, they should be reported for their own good and that of everyone else using the platform. We need to safeguard information integrity and prevent the victims from instigating a global conflict, potentially a nuclear one. Because that is what it ultimately comes down to. Ironically, this also means saving many russians from their regime and themselves.

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