'Method to His Madness': Sanders Warns Trump Is Setting Stage for Election Denial

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 588 points –
'Method to His Madness': Sanders Warns Trump Is Setting Stage for Election Denial | Common Dreams

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not like hes off the hook for the last go

oh? sure, we still talk some shit, but he's not going to see consequences. even the participants who broke in and stole information from congressghouls and set bombs in the capital with the explicit goal of overthrowing the government didn't get as much prison time as a POC with a joint in alabama or a kid who threw a rock at a cop's riot shield. seems like a pretty clear message.

The only just consequences are the gallows. The shit hes done is straight up treason.

also, made treason uncool. worse IMO. also all the atrocities he did or tried to do, but nobody cares about those.