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they certainly don't run windows.

I feel like a brightly colored teddy bear that hides in your kitchen to shoot you with a memory erasure ray to change who you are as a person is the most MKULTRA thing ever.

and trust me, when someone who can't stop thinking about that shit starts getting optimistic and looking at silver linings, people get, WAY more upset than they do when we just point out how fucked everything is. like seeing the silvery edges of the mushroom cloud is way more disturbing than the death toll.

they're a fucking plague. every single fucking one.

we're plenty capable of sucking without them, but they make everything else.

literally a threat to democracy.

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this is why everyone should pirate literally anything they can, even if they don't particularly want it.

er, with a few very gross exceptions that shouldn't exist.

I think she was so obsessed with it being a coronation, she just like fully forgot to register some places?

also being a delusional piece of shit lib when america signaled thats not what they wanted in the primaries? not super helpful. it took skill to lose to trump, a special gift.

trump would never let an immigrant soo much as touch him. I bet not one ever has.

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I might even buy that, if there wasn't a really good case for calling him 'genocide joe'.

also, they need to start treating fascists like they treat the left. you know, if they want to win elections. I bet they could even win some votes FROM the left, if they made some compromises.

that's not how it works. the law does not exist to protect you; it exists to make you tolerate your exploitation and feel like it's fair.

edit: fixed one letter.

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this is why you pirate, so it's still illegal for them to literally murder your wife.

satire is fucking dead. NEVER consume media legally. not if you have anyone you care about in your life. I wish this was a fucking joke,

like, when I read 'farenheit 451' and 'free culture' I thought I knew how fucking horrible and dystopian corporate control of culture could be. I had some pretty grim images in my mind, and got really into having my own copies of things outside the bounds of the various laws. then this shit happened.

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not just block video, but ban? wow. its like they want you to pirate.

snuffing out sanders was also arrogance though.

if I see something requires an app, no matter how good it is otherwise. the product is dead to me. I know it is, effectively, going to break within a year or two.

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certainly no more reaching between the cushions for change.

not always! not while bombing poisoning stabbing and strangling them exist.

what's the word for a thing that worms its way into your life, makes you depend on it, then uses that to exploit and damage you?

there's a word for that.

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definitely better off, the magnitude is the only question.

what cities should be VS what cities are.

okay but consider that you don't have as much surveilance of your employees, and without that, how are you supposed to discipline them?

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eating cat poop: 👎 drinking cat poop: 👍

turns out, copyright laws have literally never been used to protect artists!

well. exterminating the brutes. holding onto power a few minutes longer. lebensraum for your 'master race'. testing weapons systems for internal repression. plenty of stuff.

the reason nothing will be done

nothing will be done peacefully. plenty could be done.

see, the ultra rich die either way. either they kill everyone, including themselves, and end all life, or someone kills them. those are the only two outcomes here.

I mean, i guess they could just fuck off and stop being super rich. fuckerberg could be a creepy robot man who lives above his kinda cringe MMA dojo or something, but they're not going to do that. I don't think they're psychologically capable of it.

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they do that too, don't they? fucking monsters.

its not that they don't understand words, it's that words aren't communication for them. it's just checksums. confirming group membership and synchronization. affirming their (percieved) position.

not like hes off the hook for the last go

oh? sure, we still talk some shit, but he's not going to see consequences. even the participants who broke in and stole information from congressghouls and set bombs in the capital with the explicit goal of overthrowing the government didn't get as much prison time as a POC with a joint in alabama or a kid who threw a rock at a cop's riot shield. seems like a pretty clear message.

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the level of cognitive dissonance we have


aw shit, horrors beyond imagining! finally some of the shit I was promised coming true!

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not true! look at all the riots and almost civil war that happened when a judge said maybe you don't have the right to rape palestinian prisoners!

their orifices and screams are also valued. something something chopping wood.

oh it's much worse than that. not that it isn't also that and them doing that isn't the reason we didn't get started mitigating this shit seventy years ago when we wouldn't have needed substantial sacrifices.

see, climate scientists are scientists. that means they can only announce what they KNOW, what they can be very confident in, what IS in the data.

the thing about climate change is; it's full of unknowns, most of them bad. so they can't say "we have had this many unknown unknowns pop up and fuck our shit up, and expect (range of numbers) more", because that's predictive, and it's useful, but its not SCIENCE, because science is inherently a very conservative bedrock-of-knowledge try-not-to-give-permission-to-fuck-up paradigm of knowledge. that's not a flaw generally, it's why we can trust it and why it's hard to compromise, but generals and combat sports athletes do not choose their actions scientifically-it's too fucking slow, and they would all fucking die/get punched in the face and lose literally every single time.

so while they have calculated the known dangers of the path we're tumbling down, they can't really include the assumption that there was a military base here during a civil war 20 years ago, and both sides in that conflict really liked land mines. they can only point to specific mine fields they know about, even if that's way less than any other site that was involved in that conflict.

so however bad a climate scientist says it's going to be, dude, holy shit, it's going to be so much fucking worse. however much time they say we have, we have less than that. how much worse? how much less? no fucking clue.

no way to know unless we sit on our asses and let it happen, at which point everyone dies.

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when a character starts being an abolitionist about literal slavery, it becomes a running joke. the goblins are antisemitic stereotypes, up to and including being bankers, and all the characters who aren't white are named in ways that would have been considered 'kinda racist' a century earlier.

no, they didn't become what they hated; the zionists always tried to be chummy with hitler. they had an SS unit. they did not treat holocaust survivors well.

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uh, no, ocean hag. wearing mostly seaweed and lace.

okay but what do we do about backing up the massive library of content that only exists on youtube? how do we back that shit up, so when they break those, it is't all lost forever?

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the shooter was a right winger. we know this. it was not ideologically motivated, dude just wanted to do something 'important', and his right wing beliefs led him to believe shooting someone, which he was insecure about, was what he should do.

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just be'in enthusiastic about the local horrible shit and incoming confluence of dystopias. you know, cool endangered bear about to maul me, really interesting virus I caught, this water im drowning in is so clear.

edit: people always tell me to be more positive and see silver linings, but they get maaaaaad when I do.

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okay but all cops, conclusively, ARE bastards, and we should say it so no idiot idealistic kids think they can join and be the good one.

because its true, and they are. all of them.

if one ever stopped being a bastard, they would stop being a cop pretty quick. usually via training accident.

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yeah; it's pretty fucked. the 'stern gang' or 'lehi' is a good starting point.

and our entire ruling class is masturbating to it.

is this why the fascists think all drag queens are pedophiles?

it's still wrong, but it makes more sense why they think that now. and way more gross.

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