Meta Threads engagement has dropped 50% in a week to – 1636 points –
Meta Threads engagement has dropped off since red-hot debut, tracking firms say

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while you're correct based on instagram's numbers, the other commenter would be correct if it was a British billion which is a million millions. just a fun fact 🦄

That's true, although the long scale billion hasn't been a thing even in Britain for decades.

If it's fun facts you like, try this: English is the clear odd one out, most other languages use milliard for 10^9 and billion for 10^12.

milliard - love it ty for that. Reminds me of: French: L'ananas Italian: L'ananas Icelandic: Ananas Portuguese: O ananás Swedish: Ananas German: Die Ananas

English: Pineapple