'Neoliberal capitalism' has contributed to the rise of fascism, says Nobel laureate

schizoidman@lemm.ee to World News@lemmy.world – 795 points –
'Neoliberal capitalism' has contributed to the rise of fascism, says Nobel laureate

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  • gets proved wrong
  • blocks people

Yup just what I expected of the average Reddit refugee.

Not proved wrong.

I'm not wasting time with "but actually" memes.

Yes you were, just take the loss


Going into ketosis is well known in science for the increase in autophagy: fat, yes, but also muscles. It's literally a mechanism targeted for use as therapy for certain conditions.

These ketobro clowns used to mention some traditional meat eating populations like the Inuit, but they don't usually anymore. Yeah, those are people who "did keto" for a very long time.

The Inuit literally evolved genetic adaptation to avoid ketosis while consuming a diet high in animal fats, and they still suffer the consequences.

I'm not fucking giving up, these fuckers need to be called out for their dangerous bullshit.