Elon Musk may have to sell billions in Tesla stock to rescue X

gedaliyah@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 741 points –
Elon Musk may have to sell billions in Tesla stock to rescue X

Musk’s repeated outbursts against advertisers have dried up the main source of revenue for the loss-making company formerly known as Twitter. A recent decision to sue them for heeding his own advice to not buy ads on the platform hasn’t helped. At some point, he will have to provide a fresh infusion of cash to salvage his $44 billion takeover.


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Does anyone remember when musk said he’d buy twitter just so he could delete it?

I get challenged to provide a motive every single time I say this, but I've been convinced since just a few months after the purchase that the entire goal has absolutely been to destroy it. And with some of the moves he has made, I'm frankly surprised it took this long.

He continues to be hostile to most of the user base that made twitter popular, all the censorship/freezepeach stuff, how he destroyed verification, his bullying of advertisers, etc etc. I'm NOT a business genius but these seem like obvious glaringly awful business moves and they just keep coming.

My guess is he’s playing with his toy until he gets bored with it.