Those who tried Linux and went back to Windows, what caused you to go back to Windows? to – 265 points –

Additionally, what changes are necessary for you to be able to use Linux full time?


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I wanted to dual boot linux and windows but installed linux on the wrong drive partition and wrote over all of my data. Decided i was too stupid for linux. To be fair that was 3 years ago, maybe ill try again soon

If you try again, follow a dual-boot guide for your distro. Also, make your root and home partitions separate, so if you run into issues, you can reset safely.

Try again and learn from your mistakes. Installing linux is nothing compared to much more difficult tasks

I spent three days installing Arch from scratch. After I got it working, I wiped everything and did it again and again, I wrote 2 simple script to automate the process, and after I was done, I wiped everything and installed Manjaro lol.

It's a good learning experience, I recommend every new Linux user do it in a sandbox at least once.