Dr. Jill Stein announces Butch Ware as VP running mate

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -68 points –

WASHINGTON (TND) — Dr.Jill Stein, who is a Green Party presidential candidate, has selected Professor Butch Ware as her vice-presidential running mate.


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Thanks, yeah I guess the trick is to politely ask normal, reasonable questions that a good-faith party would answer honestly. Who’d have thunk it xD

Tbh if the guy/troll/whatever had answered the first two questions earlier on, depending on the answers I prolly would’ve just backed off, “oh well, agree to disagree” style.

Him being weirdly “I don’t have to answer that..but I have to tell you that I won’t answer” was funny so I went with it.

Well done. I don't think anyone else has cornered them as well as that, most get exasperated at the irrelevant walls of text talking about abstract merits of voting rights when the point was something completely different.

Still can't wrap my head around whether it's a political motivation or just fishing for arguments.