Socialist Berserker

108 Post – 1479 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Mormon Satanist. Transracial Socialist Workers Party Kopimist Monk. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Woke-free. "Dems/Repubs offer only crumbs to workers while propping up systems that oppress us. True liberation comes only when we break free and ignite the fire of revolution."

I don't know what you mean. Everything I've asked is rational. Just because YOU don't like it, doesn't mean it's not rational.

Actually, people like you inspired me to create an entirely new Lemmy community just now. You're really gonna hate it, but well, you convinced me. So thank you!

You still haven't shared the facts that you have which shows that the news org is lying. What happened?

Also, I don't have to worry about "getting anything out of Jill" because I'm not voting for her.

I just posted the article friend, I didn't write it. I'm not voting for her. I am not saying people should. I didn't make the news.

no word yet if they ACTUALLY had a gun or not.

CNN via (HBO)Max reporting that they found an AK-47 in the bushes:

Law enforcement officials found a weapon and other items left behind by the suspect where he was positioned in the bushes near the Trump International Golf Club in South Florida on Sunday.

“In the bushes, where this guy was, is an AK-47 style rifle with a scope; two backpacks, which were hung on the fence and had ceramic tile in them; and a GoPro. … So, those are being processed right now,” Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said.

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Due largely to a single user; You.

Wow, I'm flattered that you feel I have so much influence!

There you go being transparently dishonest again.

How so?

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Why are you even worrying about elections other than the one in front of us?

Because every election since as long as I have been voting, people say variations of "Well voting third party is fine, but not THIS election. THIS election is too important!"

Which is what the OP I was replying to said.

I've been voting since 1988. And i have heard this every election. So guess what? I've decided that this election isn't any more or less important than any election. And I'm proudly voting third party. :)

It’s just what it is.

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I don't know what that means either. What's the context?

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Actually I don't know what that means. Which is why I said it in my last post.

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I don't know what that means.

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Are you ok?

I’d have to say citation needed

Well the democrats are trying mighty hard to keep Claudia De la Cruz and Jill Stein off the ballots.

Also, I LOVED Bernie Sanders, and I personally think the Democrats did him dirty because they wanted Hilary on the ticket. And look how that turned out.

The percentage a party receives in elections doesn’t automatically reflect its seriousness, especially when a political system is structured to suppress alternatives.

Ok, so what’s the "magic number" for a party to be taken seriously in your eyes, and how can they possibly reach it when the two major parties manipulate the rules, funding, and media access to keep third parties down?

Bruh, even in this very forum, Lemmy users often resort to guilt, pressure, and insults to force people into supporting the duopoly, calling those who back third parties "idiots" instead of fostering genuine political diversity. As I know from personal experience. lol

I’m more annoyed that the politics feed is taken over with an outsized share of third party distraction news, when there is so much going on that’s actually meaningful.

You think the share of third party news is "outsized" compared to all the pro-harris/pro-democrat articles?! I just post the articles that the news writes. So obviously news orgs think there is something to it since they are writing so many articles about third parties. I don't write them, I just post them.

If there were less written, there'd be less posted.

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I don't know what that means.

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Have the day you deserve!

Thank you! And I hope you have the life you deserve! :)

For any candidate. I also laugh at any group being called informed

I can respect that view. Fair points!

And you don't think they are intelligent enough to know all of this. Are you saying that you don't think they are as smart as you when it comes to nuances of elections and voting?

I just wanna clarify, because I'm reading a lot of "Well I'm smart enough to know, but they aren't..." vibes into what you are writing. So I want to clarify.

If more people consistently voted for what they believed in instead of out of fear, the political landscape would begin to shift. Dismissing those votes as useless only perpetuates the problem of limited choice, and change is never achieved by sticking to the status quo.

Yep. Do you have stats to show that it's not? Have you contacted the news org that wrote the article. They would be happy to update it if you have different facts and figures that show their information to be false.

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Do you think that the Indy Star news org wore information that is a lie and was designed to manipulate voters? Are you accusing them of that?

Because I didn't write the article friend, I posted it. You are the one calling for censorship and not me.

So what part of this news article contained lies? What were the lies?

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I disagree with what you are saying. But hey, you have a right to that opinion. I, and many others, don't share that opinion though.

I'm proudly voting third party. I have the bumper stickers and everything. Let's f'n go!!!

Probably due to Reddit fuckary. Between power-hungry, ban-happy mods and Reddit talking about possibly charging for select subs, I definitely bailed and came here.

Two days old today, baaabbby!!

Doing my part tho! I've created 5 communities and have posted over 100 times in the last two days. :)

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I subscribe to discussion topics, that’s why I’m on lemmy and not mastodon.

Yep! I feel the same way!

Thank you. Everyone is calling me a troll and saying things like, "Troll alert. Account is only 2 days old!"

But WTF? Are we supposed to wait after we create an account to start posting?

No. I created an account so I could START posting. lol

given the current electoral reality

Which is never gonna change unless we start supporting parties that actually want that change. And for right now, that's a third party.

How many times have Republicans been in charge enough to change it? How many times have Democrats been in charge enough to change it?

And neither party has. And neither party wants to change it.

And people here on Lemmy keep saying stuff like, "But but THIS isn't the election to work on that. Next time!" Which is what both parties have been saying for the last 50 years.

They've had plenty of opportunity to change things. And they haven't. And they won't.

And I'll never vote Democrat or Republican until one of them actually makes the change.

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Whenever I see these articles, I feel like it’s part of OpenAI’s marketing strategy to use the fear-based media to pump up the sense of how revolutionary their tech is

Yep, I think that's what's going on too.

both parties now though have gotten to where they instantly demonize protesters demanding better

Well said!

Why would I "Post less," and expect that to help black people?! What?!

Good! It'll hasten their demise. Long live Lemmy, bitches!

hahaha, wow, I had no idea. Ick.

Yep! I am new to here from Reddit. And holy shit do I love Lemmy! Sooo glad I stopped using reddit and found Lemmy!

Ahh, ok. Thank you! I was figuring it couldn't be too serious since i had never even knew about it until this random user starting posting screenshots of it and calling me toxic. lmao

This community is awesome and helpful. Thank you!

"Only a true independent movement of working-class people and the creation of our own political instruments can actually guarantee our survival and the survival of the planet.”


I prefer Lemmy, even tho it can be a little too reddit-like. But the mods do seem to be a bit less ban-happy, so that's a good thing.

But since I vote for third parties, I get pretty much the same hateful comments I got when I was on Reddit. But hey, at least I'm not banned! :)

So as someone else said, more assholes here, but less hivemind.

Are those better than Lemmy? I'm enjoying Lemmy so far.

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Californians have elected 55 of the 226 office-holding Greens nationwide. Other states with high numbers of Green elected officials include Pennsylvania (31), Wisconsin (23), Massachusetts (18) and Maine (17). Maine has the highest per capita number of Green elected officials in the country and the largest Green registration percentage with more than 29,273 Greens comprising 2.95% of the electorate as of November 2006.[68] Madison, Wisconsin is the city with the most Green elected officials (8), followed by Portland, Maine (7).

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Some of us aren't "witholding" our vote at all.

I'm voting third party. Because I believe in the party I'm voting for.

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I simply used wikipedia. Feel free to use your updated stats.

And it's not my "spoiler party." I'm not even voting Green Party. I didn't write the article, friend. I just posted it.

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Yep, between some of her speeches and the replies I get here on Lemmy, I'm amazed at how Democrats often believe they are so much better than Republicans—even though they engage in the exact same types of behavior!

The idea that voting third-party is a wasted vote in a FPTP system overlooks the broader impact that third-party votes can have on the political landscape.

Every vote sends a message about what policies and values are important to voters, and this can influence the platforms of major parties in future elections.

Sure, it’s true that our system is designed to favor two major parties, but dismissing third-party candidates entirely ignores the historical fact that significant social and political changes often start with minority voices pushing against the status quo.

Counting on the Democratic Party to implement progressive change assumes that the party will prioritize those changes, which history has shown that they are not doing. They've had PLENTY of time where they were in charge to implement major changes, but they so need need to change the status quo.

Voting your conscience isn’t a temper tantrum; it’s a commitment to pushing for a political system that truly represents a wider range of views.

It’s been pointed out so many times on Lemmy it should make you question why they continue to push this stuff while claiming they want the exact change they are knowingly fighting against.

Well, you do realize that almost half of the country won't vote for your candidate, right? Are they ALL wrong and only you are right? The fact that HALF OF THE COUNTRY doesn't want your candidate to be president, should make you question things as well.

Real change requires challenging the status quo, not just reinforcing it.

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The idea that change only happens down-ballot is the same old excuse that keeps the stranglehold of the two-party system unchallenged. Sure, down-ballot voting matters, but don’t be fooled into thinking that’s where our fight ends. Voting for a third-party candidate, especially at the top, is a bold declaration that we’re done being shackled by a system rigged for just two parties. If we keep playing by their rules, we’ll stay trapped in their game. This isn’t about wasting our energy; it’s about breaking the chains and demanding a political system that represents all of us, not just the interests of the powerful few.

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We have different opinions. I'm proudly voting third party.