Jill Stein delivers scathing response to Harris-Trump debate and urges Green alternative

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -67 points –

This is a debate between the parties of war and Wall Street who agree with each other on the fundamentals of our economy and on the fundamentals of our foreign policy

Jill’s solution to “endless war” is to disband NATO, stop supporting Ukraine, and hand Kyiv to Putin. With NATO disbanded, further European countries will be sure to follow.

A lot of that platform actually sounds good. But you are right.

Disband NATO and replace it with a modern, inclusive security framework that respects the security interests of all nations and people

Thats pretty vague, so no idea what this entails in reality.

That's how Green works. Big vague, impossible promises. It's because they never have to worry about needing to keep them.

True, but the social services in that platform aren't bad even if they aren't meant to be real. Like can we get a real chance at this please?

Putin's Jizz Stein also wants Nato disbanded, the US to give up their SC veto, and revoke weapons to help Ukraine defend itself while simultaneously forcing 'peace' (subjugation) negotiations with russia.

For those of you that don't understand how the Electoral College works, voting for her means donald will be president. Have fun wasting your time reading the article.

Reported for misinformation, but I'm not seeing a problem here.

Wants NATO disbanded? Give up the Security Council vote?



Unsupport Ukraine?


Pretty much everything you'd expect from a Putin backed candidate.

And for the record guys, I'm not the one who reported for disinformation. Just getting that out of the way now, before accusations from other posters come at me! lol

BUT I think it may be the part where the poster says "voting for her means donald will be president."

No, voting for her doesn't automatically mean donald will be president. I mean, he "could" be, but it's not set in stone. That's an opinion of the poster, not an actual fact.

But I personally think that could have been pointed out to the poster, rather than reporting for misinformation.

She's trying so damn hard to get Trump elected lmao.

Almost as hard as OP is, whatever his name is this week.

Almost as hard as OP is, whatever his name is this week.

Not sure what you mean. I also just posted a libertarian article where he wants to take down Trump. Hmmm...


Doesn't really fit your narrative though, does it? But hey, you believe what you wanna belive. I don't care.

It's a fine take and I mean, I'd love to have the option to vote for that alternative, but realistically right now, none of us do. No matter which side of the aisle you're on, if you abandon the side you'd normally vote for to vote third party, you're only helping your own personal worst case scenario.

Really, all of these third party... parties should be focusing more on pushing for an alternate voting system. I know they say we should get away from two-party politics, but I rarely see any actual action taken to try and accomplish that. Ranked-choice was on the ballot 4 years ago in MA, but didn't pass, and if these third parties had poured their campaign budget into getting it passed, they'd be getting my vote in November. As it stands, they won't be. Their policies, frankly, don't matter, because we can't vote for them, as much as we'd like to, without voting against our own self-interests and really, those of the entire country.

Any third party that only focuses on the presidency isn't a real party. Jill Stein isn't actually running for president. She is simply a foreign agent of Putin trying to act as a spoiler against the Democratic ticket. That is literally the only reason she is running.

Real political parties try to build power from the ground up. You want your party to be a serious candidate for president? Try winning several hundred state house seats and least a few dozen US house seats, maybe a Senator or two. I disagree vehemently with the Libertarian Party, but I'll give them credit for being a real political party. Clowns like Stein, Kennedy, and West are just Republican agents running as spoiler candidates. They have zero intention of winning. Their only goal is to appeal to their own vanity and to syphon off a few percentage points from the Democratic candidate. That is the only reason they are running. They take Republican and Russian money and are doing the bidding of their masters. Anyone who even considered voting for them is a fool.

Real political parties try to build power from the ground up.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Green_politicians_who_have_held_office_in_the_United_States (thanks to @SyntaxTerror@feddit.org for the info)

State-Level Green Party Officials (Former)

  • Shane Robinson - Maryland, House, District 39 (2011-2019)
  • Henry Bear - Maine, House, District 144 (2013-2019)
  • Ralph Chapman - Maine, House, District 133 (2010-2019)
  • Fred Smith - Arkansas, House, District 50 (2011-2015)
  • Richard Carroll - Arkansas, House, District 39 (2009-2011)
  • John Eder - Maine, House, District 118 (2003-2007)
  • Matt Ahearn - New Jersey, General Assembly, District 38 (2002-2004)
  • Audie Bock - California, State Assembly, District 16 (1999-2000)

Current Green Party Mayors

  • Peter Schwartzman - Galesburg, Illinois (2021-2025)
  • Bruce Delgado - Marina, California (2008-2024)
  • Emmanuel Estrada - Baldwin Park, California (2020-2024)

Former Green Party Mayors

  • John Reed - Fairfax, California
  • Mike Feinstein - Santa Monica, California
  • David Doonan - Greenwich, New York
  • Kelley Wearvering - Cordova, Alaska
  • Robb Davis - Davis, California
  • Peter Gleichman - Ward, Colorado
  • Jim Sullivan - Victory, New York
  • Jason West - New Paltz, New York

Current Green Party City & County Council Members

  • Sylvia R. Chavez - Calipatria, California
  • David Conley - Douglas County, Wisconsin
  • Josiah Dean - Dufur, Oregon
  • Becky Elder - Manitou Springs, Colorado
  • Bob Gifford - Portage County, Wisconsin
  • Renée Goddard - Fairfax, California
  • David Grover - Trinidad, California
  • Damon Jespersen - Newbury, Massachusetts
  • John Keener - Pacifica, California
  • Rebecca Kemble - Madison, Wisconsin
  • Paul Pitino - Arcata, California
  • Marsha A. Rummel - Madison, Wisconsin
  • George P. Steeves - Southbridge, Massachusetts
  • Anna Trevorrow - Portland, Maine
  • Daniel Welsh - Lewisboro, New York
  • Heidi Weigleitner - Dane County, Wisconsin
  • Stephen Zollman - Sebastopol, California

Former Green Party City & County Council Members

  • Peter Schwartzman - Galesburg, Illinois
  • George Altgelt - Laredo, Texas
  • Michael Beilstein - Corvallis, Oregon
  • Bruce Delgado - Marina, California
  • Jessica Bradshaw - Carbondale, Illinois
  • Michael Cornell - River Hill Village
  • Jennifer Dotson - Ithaca, New York
  • Kathleen Fitzpatrick - Mosier, Oregon
  • Gail Garrett - Mount Washington, Massachusetts
  • Matt Gonzalez - San Francisco, California
  • Cam Gordon - Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Art Goodtimes - San Miguel County, Colorado
  • Daniel Hamburg - Mendocino County, California
  • Michelle Haynes - Norwood, Colorado
  • Gary Hull - Sharpsburg, Maryland
  • Tanya Ishikawa - Federal Heights, Colorado
  • Brian Kehoe - Catskill, New York
  • Jason Kirkpatrick - Arcata, California
  • Mary Jo Long - Afton, New York
  • Tom Mair - Grand Traverse County, Michigan
  • Sarah Marsh - Fayetteville, Arkansas
  • Merrily Mazza - Lafayette, Colorado
  • Gayle McLaughlin - Richmond, California
  • Ross Mirkarimi - San Francisco, California
  • Leland Pan - Dane County, Wisconsin
  • Dona Spring - Berkeley, California
  • Chuck Turner - Boston, Massachusetts

Other Green Party Local Officials (Current)

  • Michael Clary - Coos County, Oregon
  • Jennifer Baker - Napa Valley College, California
  • Matthew Clark - San Mateo County
  • Billy Gene Collins - Waterford, Connecticut
  • Carl D'Amato - Waterford, Connecticut
  • Daphne Dixon - Fairfield, Connecticut
  • Matt Donahue - Benton County, Oregon
  • Maureen Doyle - Southbridge, Massachusetts
  • Andrew Frascarelli - Waterford, Connecticut
  • Frank Gatti - Amherst, Massachusetts
  • Michael Paul Hansen - Humboldt County, California
  • Jane Jarlsberg - San Bernardino County, California
  • Joshua Steele Kelly - Waterford, Connecticut
  • Vincent O'Connor - Amherst, Massachusetts
  • Sharron Parra - Hyampom, California
  • Vahe Peroomian - Glendale Community College, California
  • John Powell - Montecito, California
  • Colleen Ann Reidy - Thompsonville, Connecticut
  • Rebecca Rotzler - New Paltz, New York
  • Leif Smith - Redding, Connecticut
  • Darcy Van Ness - Waterford, Connecticut
  • Baird Welch-Collins - Waterford, Connecticut
  • Randy Marx - Fair Oaks Water District, Sacramento County, California
  • Fred McCann - Portland Water District, Portland, Maine
  • Garrett Erven - Red Wing, Minnesota

Other Green Party Local Officials (Former)

  • John Amarilios - New Canaan, Connecticut
  • Korie Blyveis - Newberg Township, Michigan
  • Hector Lopez - New Canaan, Connecticut
  • Kim O'Connor - Hillsborough County, Florida
  • Jill Stein - Lexington, Massachusetts
  • Raymond C. Meyer - Lucas County Health Center, Iowa
  • Amy Martenson - Napa Valley College, California
  • MK Merelice - Brookline, Massachusetts
  • Anna Trevorrow - Portland, Maine

This list proves my point. They hold less than 1% of 1% of LOCAL positions. According to your list, they don't even hold a single seat in any statehouse in this country. It is an absolute disgusting joke that this party would seriously attempt to run a presidential candidate. This like an elementary school little league player trying out for an MLB team. It's a complete embarrassment, a clown show.

What kind of hubris do you have to have to think your party has any business putting up a candidate for president when you don't currently even a single God-damn state house seat?

And my point is that they don't just run in presidential elections.

It’s a complete embarrassment, a clown show.

Well, they've made enough of an impact that the democrats are really really mad at them and want them off the ballet. So for a clown show, they are causing quite a stir.

I'm not voting for her, but I have no issues with Jill Stein. I like her.

But what other elected office has Stein held?


"Stein began her political career by running as the Green-Rainbow Party candidate for governor of Massachusetts in 2002. Her running mate was Tony Lorenzen, a high school theology teacher. She finished third in a field of five candidates, with 76,530 votes (3.5%), far behind the winner, Republican Mitt Romney.[14]

In 2004, Stein ran for state representative for the 9th Middlesex District, which included portions of Waltham and Lexington. She received 3,911 votes (21.3%) in a three-way race, ahead of the Republican candidate but far behind Democratic incumbent Thomas M. Stanley.[15]

In 2005, Stein set her sights locally, running for the Lexington Town Meeting, a representative town meeting, the local legislative body in Lexington, Massachusetts. Stein was elected to one of seven seats in Precinct 2.[16] She finished first of 16 candidates, receiving 539 votes (20.6%). Stein was reelected in 2008, finishing second of 13 vying for eight seats.[17] Stein resigned during her second term to again run for governor.[18]

At the Green-Rainbow Party state convention on March 4, 2006, Stein was nominated for Secretary of the Commonwealth. In a two-way race with the three-term incumbent, Democrat Bill Galvin, she received 353,551 votes (17.7%).[19]

On February 8, 2010, Stein announced her second candidacy for governor.[20] Her running mate was Richard P. Purcell, a surgery clerk and ergonomics assessor.[21] In the November 2 general election, Stein finished fourth, receiving 32,895 votes (1.4%), again far behind the incumbent, Democrat Deval Patrick.[22]"

She's a perennial candidate.


"A perennial candidate is a political candidate who frequently runs for elected office and rarely, if ever, wins.[1]"

She’s a perennial candidate.

I would agree with that about Jill Stein. But sometimes people are under the impression the entire green party is like that, which isn't true.

abandon the side you’d normally vote for

That's part of the liberal delusion we would not vote for a democrat or Republican, because we are not Democrats or Republicans. They do not represent the needs of the marginalized, the working class, They only represent the needs and the wants of the donor class. They only listen to the donor class While our needs get ignored.

I’d love to have the option to vote for that alternative, but realistically right now, none of us do.

I do and I AM voting for an alternative.

And if Trump wins, we'll all remember that you didn't do your part, but I doubt you'll still be here if he wins, having accomplished your mission.

That’s not bright of you. You going to clutch your pearls as Trump is inaugurated?

How about when he carries you off to a camp?

You going to clutch your pearls as Trump is inaugurated?

No, because I am not afraid of him. You can be, but I'm not. I'll vote for who I want. Thanks!

Peak white guy energy here.

“Fuck everyone else. I’m all that matters.”

Don't be afraid of Trump for yourself, be afraid of Trump for women, minorities, the rule of government, and posterity if he forces Thomas and Alito off the court like he did Kennedy and gets 2 more Supreme Court picks.

You mean those same women and minorities that are currently under threat by the duopoly? The marginalized are still kept marginalized by Democrat as much as they would be a Republican. 50 years of Democrat inaction on women's rights led them to lose their reproductive rights.

Bet she also “urges” withdrawing support from Ukraine.

Doesn't change my opinion of her. You are welcome to your opinion too.

How does she get to 270 again?

And where is she the other 3.5 years?

I don't know. Ask her campaign. I support her attempt and admire her as a person, but I'm not voting for her.

::: spoiler MSN.com - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report) Information for MSN.com:

MBFC: Left-Center - Credibility: High - Factual Reporting: High - United States of America
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::: spoiler Search topics on Ground.News https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/jill-stein-delivers-scathing-response-to-harris-trump-debate-and-urges-green-alternative/ar-AA1qoTPO?ocid=BingNewsVerp ::: Media Bias Fact Check | bot support

To cut through the nonsense and save everyone time, especially since many in this community have a habit of resorting to personal attacks when responding to posts recently: I support and respect everyone’s right to vote for who they want to.

I'm just posting this article that’s already available on a much bigger platform than Lemmy—I didn’t write it, just sharing it for discussion.