0 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Fuck right off with your Blue Maga shit.

Thanks for taking the time to write that out. I found it really helpful.đź‘Ť

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I hope he plans to talk about how global warning is made up.

The GOP isn't interested in anything short of absolute power. They need to be driven out of politics along with their wannabe dictator.

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At what point does the media realize Twitter is basically 4chan now and doesn't need to be taken seriously anymore?

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I'm having a hard time caring who the right wing in Iowa thinks should be president. Looking at recent history, they usually pick someone that will go on to lose the nomination. They may indeed pick this idiot. Hell they picked Cruz, Huckabee and Santorum 3 of the last 4 (they appear to be political idiots). Who cares what they think?

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"But thanks to Reaganomics, prison turned to profits

'Cause free labor's the cornerstone of US economics

'Cause slavery was abolished, unless you are in prison

You think I am bullshittin', then read the 13th Amendment

Involuntary servitude and slavery it prohibits

That's why they givin' drug offenders time in double digits."

Killer Mike - Reagan

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I'm worried their plan is to wait until after the election. If Trump is elected, they then rule he has absolute power and democracy is basically dead at that point.

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Complete hypocrisy is the norm for Christianity.

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American here but she's an enemy of mine. Slava Ukraini.

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All of them practically.

The ones that aren't bots are moron followers that might as well be bots at this point. Imagine following the guy that Russia roots for... It's pathetic.

Aren't you supposed to wait until after the IPO to ruin the platform?

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I mean tik Tok is shit though. The fact that FB and X are also manipulative and shitty doesn't really prove your point.

No it was "we hate the same people"

It would be more productive than what it was parodying.

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Queue up "the Democrats are outlawing gas cars" handwringing by the conservative simps.

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The new wave of letters comes amid IRS plans to reverse “historically low audit rates” of large corporations, complex partnerships and higher earners.

Fruit from the GOPs kneecapping of the IRS.

The forehead engravers, enslavers of men and women.

This is what "justice" is for the rich. The rest of us would be serving time in double digits by now. They just get the judges in their pockets to pull strings.

"Party of law and order" suddenly doesn't believe in the law anymore. I don't understand how they take themselves seriously anymore.

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The entire "dozen" agrees!

The judge's daughter is a Democrat whose worked for Democratic campaigns in the past. An appeals panel already weighed in on it though and said it didn't amount to a conflict worthy of recusal.

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Oh the irony; Appointing morons for intelligence oversight.

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And when you’re a star he lets you do it. You can do anything.

Whatever you want.

Kick him in the cunt. You can do anything.

They remember MH17 and are clear on who the enemy is.

Without naming the media that was targeted, he said that “any pressure on journalists is unacceptable"

I admire Zelensky. I bet it is an absolute nightmare trying to manage all of the different forces and challenges. He'll address it I'm sure.

I wish we (the US) would carry on with the aid and stop screwing around. The GOP can't seem to pass up an opportunity to help Russia out. 🤔

I don't see anyone ignoring it. In fact, it appears to be all some folks can talk about.

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chef's kiss


I think he's hoping the timing will work out so that he gets elected first, them SCOTUS grants him supreme immunity.

BlueMAGA isn't a thing.

Real question: are you Russian? That's some bad faith / both sides bullshit i'd expect from an operative.

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Edit: 1 day later. There is no source. Consensus wins. They pulled it from their ass.

Judging by the fact you are commenting on a national article on the topic, I'd say you're wrong, and people are doing the opposite of ignoring it.

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I feel silly because I lived my whole life respecting the GOP as, "not my party but good people regardless." I've lost all respect now and realize how naive I was. Trump's supporters want to watch America burn and the rest of the GOP seems fine with it. 0 respect.

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Clicked on the article thinking "did they lose weight and become scary?". Scrolled to the pictures.... Nope.

If this is the right wing's army, I am far from afraid.

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That intersection looks awful also. E 8th N is right there. Imagine trying to follow directions:

"Go South on N 6th St E and as soon as you pass E 8th N turn west on E 6th St N."

Or gas vehicle manufacturers could spend real money on environmental r and d to meet the mark in the time allowed. Whatever it takes to lower our greenhouse gas emissions.

The push for more E.V.s comes as the world’s leading climate experts say that retiring the internal combustion engine is critical to staving off the most deadly effects of global warming.

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Adrenochrome. /s