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Joined 1 months ago

Fellas, does women having normal biological functions make you feel homosexual?

Lemming is the correct answer, but I'll also accept Lemmin' mostly because I'd love for there to be some kind of meet-up, like a Lemmin' Party or something.

I don't have a cat.

I have a weird-ish cat that sometimes follows me on my walks. I'm his best friend when we're hiking buddies. When I see him on the trail, he's all meowing at me, rubbing up against my legs trying to get me to pet him. And if I stop petting him, he bites me. So that makes me think I'm special.

But, if I happen to go over to my neighbor's house (his owner), he won't come near me. He runs off if I try to speak to him or coax him to come over to me.

Till next time I see him on the trail, and we're back to love bites and heavy petting.

When you think of it, so many of them are immigrants. They don't belong in our suburbs. They don't belong in our homes. They should go back to the desert where they belong. But no, instead they're pricking us with their thorns and I shudder to think what they're doing to our pets and the wildlife.

Yes, yes, yes. I don't get to watch it often these days, but it's always so much fun. Now go away, I'm baitin'.

I love this movie! So much fun.

Grandma’s Boy

I haven't seen that movie in ages, but I have watched it many times. The scene that really gets me is when they clean under the sofa and there are numerous cat carcasses.

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When I was a kid, I watched this and Labyrinth so much. I'm pretty sure I have both on dvd if not bluray. I feel like I need to pull them out.

Children of Men is so good. I love this thread because I'm seeing mentions of so many great movies that I used to watch all the time but I realize it's been ages since I've last seen them.

When someone asks a thing like this on Lemmy, look up the same thread on Reddit (guaranteed to find it was recently also posted there) and copy-pasta some of the top posts. Guaranteed worthless internet up arrows.

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My credit card offers virtual credit card numbers AND the ability to auto-lock the virtual numbers so you can set a date and after that the number will not accept new charges.

I make sure to use a virtual card number for everything subscription based, then I immediately set the auto-lock feature to expire in a few days (give the initial charge time to clear but still plenty of time before the subscription would otherwise renew).

Some subscription services make it super tough to cancel. This method fixes that issue for the most part. Some subscription services terminate immediately once you cancel the subscription, even if you still have "time left" otherwise. This way you don't really have to formally unsubscribe. It's easy peasy pumpkin breezy as the common folk like to say.

I found it interesting that Trump claims if he wins the election, he'll have the Russia / Ukraine conflict resolved BEFORE he even takes office. I'm paraphrasing there, but that's how I interpreted what he stated.

If that's the case, then it seems like he could choose to end the conflict at any time. Why doesn't he just end it now? Save countless lives. Minimize injuries. Prevent suffering. Save money. I'm sure that'd change some voters' minds if he did it. Might even win him the election.

Yes, this is a rhetorical question. I have no doubt that he can't actually end it without basically giving in entirely to Russia.

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Why you peeing in that thing, bro? The two big arches ought to be enough for any halfway intelligent person to realize that you're supposed to stick your buttocks there not your beanie-weenie. Dries out your logs so that they don't make as big a mess when you pick them up to toss them into the sink.

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It's really a shame that we have a state in my country named Ohio, but not one named Obyeo. So that would be my wish. For my country to have an Obyeo.

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Sort of weird looking by current standards. I don't know how long it will be before I see one of these. I live in a rural area, and our local USPS seems to use personal vehicles I guess? I don't really know for sure, but they don't drive the standard white and blue box that USPS drivers had when I lived in more urban/suburban settings.

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Could really use some Labrador recipes right about now. Anybody got any good ones?

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Look, I'm down to joke around about eating suburban pets, but I draw the line at discussions about Idaho. I do have standards.

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Don't swing on that one, Matt threw up on it.

I've never thought to try this, granted I rarely ever drink soda.

It's interesting to see multiple folks saying that Coca-cola and Pepsi taste the same. In my part of the world, there is (or was) a noticeable difference between the 2. I could easily discern the difference between them even in a blind taste test. "Coke" is noticeably more bitter and has more complex flavor. Pepsi is sweeter with sweeter flavor tones.

I would have ice cream for supper, that's for sure. If I started getting fat, I'd start taking the new weight loss shots to trim down. I'd offer everyone in the country ice cream for supper and then I'd also offer them weight loss shots if they got fat from eating ice cream.

If you offer me a chance to win millions of dollars and all I have to pay is $2 USD and the date happens to be Friday the 13th, then there's a good chance I'm going to pay you the $2 USD for the chance to will millions of dollars so long as you're a legitimate lottery that I'm legally allowed to play.

I mean, cloudberries are overrated. Dingoberries are where it's at these days.


I recently joined WTF and based on the list of the instances this place is federated with, my assumption is that's the basis for the WTF name. So, maybe something like this could be useful for choosing an instance that's not 1/2 filled with bat shit insane posts by default rather than requiring significant and immediate curation (i.e. blocking stupid shit like hexbear and ml).

I reserve the right as I am from a different but somehow similar shithole, and recognize it is detriment to society.

I will mock it at every opportunity until it cleans up it is act.

I'm into this. And the corollary. "Shit out" is redundant. Shit it out. Shitting out.

(Shitting in?) Makes sense in one context, but that's a completely different context than that which shitting out is typically used.

To make this all about me, me, me: Another part of my childhood is now gone. But I have to say, 93 years of living a good life is something to aspire to! I can only hope I live that long or live half as amazing a life. I can also only hope to have that deep of a voice. DOES IT HELP IF I TYPE IN ALL CAPS TO DEMONSTRATE?

As long as we're eating pets, I'd like to have a Macaw. Anybody wanna split the bill?

I too will be pampering myself with TUCKS Medicated Cooling Pads® tonight.

Are you finding that the assistance it provides has gotten worse over time? When I first started using it, it was quite helpful the majority of the time. In truth, it's still pretty decent with autocomplete, just less consistently good than before. However the chat help has truly gone into decline. The amount of unfounded statements it returns is terrible.

And the latest issue is that I've started getting responses where it starts to show me an answer, but then hides the response and gives me an error that the response was filtered by Responsible AI.

Glad I'm not directly paying for it.

No. And he's not just mad at cat ladies.

This whole idea that people with biological children are more invested in the future of the country than those without kids is just a thinly disguised dog whistle that's firmly rooted in misogyny and homophobia.

This is a line that theoretically doesn't precisely and specifically just target homosexuals, there's also "collateral damage" to infertile couples and those who choose to go child-free. And there's a sufficient number of those people that it serves as the basis for plausible deniability. That they specifically call out "cat ladies" fully reflects the misogynistic aspects of it. But make no mistake, this is undeniably a basis they might use to deny rights to the LGBT+ community.

I hope your system is doing butter thesis dames. sister is doing better these days.

Not only did I accidentally break up your marriage 12 years ago, I'm also incredibly abrasive, smell like I've not showered in several days, and when I visit your house I always remove the toilet paper roll and make sure to put it the opposite direction when I put it back into the holder. And I hissed at your cat.

Y tho?

Earlier this year one of my relatives came for an extended visit. We were discussing what we might have for dinner that week and both of us were on board for the same ingredients, such as asparagus. My relative was also happy with the video services I'm currently subscribed to because I have a couple options they don't have at home, so they were telling me about how they were rewatching some older Harrison Ford movies. And then there's the age-old (or old age) conversations about our current health issues.

In the following days, my relative kept bringing up the fact that their phone and tablet are listening to our conversations. Proof? After we had the food conversation, their news feed was suddenly filled with asparagus recipes. They were also getting ads for more Harrison Ford content on the service that they don't subscribe to. And to top it off, they were seeing ads for a prescription my dog takes but that they had never even heard of before our conversation the day or two before. Isn't it obvious? They're listening to our conversations.

To me this was easily explainable by Occam's Razor. All our devices are on the same IP address. After we discussed the asparagus I went online that night and did a search for asparagus recipes. And when we were talking about my dog's health condition, I used my phone to look up the active ingredient because I couldn't recall off the top of my head. Plus, when Hulu or whatever random service sees you're watching a lot of Harrison Ford movies, it makes sense they'd advertise others you might like.

That makes a lot more sense and is a lot less complicated of an explanation than "our devices are always recording our conversations and uploading them to the internet as a basis to send us advertisements".

Sure it's technically feasible, but if it were happening, surely they would be a lot more incontrovertible proof than a questionable and likely misinterpreted news source that seems to be more of a "sly" advertisement for a tech solution that the big players aren't actually using.

Oh, if Alton said that then it must be true. Who's Alton?

Edit: I need to see what dried beans I have and maybe go shopping. I will give this a try with a couple different types of beans and report back if I fart or not.

Hope you have some alpha-galactosidase at your disposal.

The simplified explanation: A reason beans give some people gas is due to certain types of sugars and carbohydrates they contain. Those sugars are water soluble. Seems like brewing beans would concentrate those sugars and lead to epic tootage.

Also, one method for reducing how much gas that beans cause is to soak them in lots of water. Basically, soak them for up to 8 hours, drain, rinse, and repeat a couple more times. It works on the same principal, that the soaking process will remove at least some of the problematic, water soluble sugars. Supposedly adding a small amount of baking soda helps, too. I'm less certain about that.

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I was alive when the when there were more than 8 elevens.