What movies can you rewatch often and not get tired of?

FarraigePlaisteach@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 76 points –

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Grandma’s Boy

I haven't seen that movie in ages, but I have watched it many times. The scene that really gets me is when they clean under the sofa and there are numerous cat carcasses.

I'll never not laugh at

"Kane! How many times have I told you to knock before coming into my office?"

"Uh... I did knock but I think the music is too loud?"

"Does it scare you?"

"No... I just don't really like techno."

"You would if you had robot ears."

"Uh.... Yeah. Maybe."

My brother and I quote this money to this day, such a classic.

"How could he see me?"