
9 Post – 414 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

'Pro-life' my ass

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F Polls. Vote.

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Supporting evidence for the 3 downvotes ATM:

Putin’s Shill Stein wants Nato disbanded, the US to give up their SC veto, and revoke weapons to help Ukraine defend itself while simultaneously forcing ‘peace’ (subjugation) negotiations with russia.

2015 Stein breaking bread with Putin, his senior staff, and Mike Flynn (later Trump's national security advisor

More context:

For those that don’t understand how the Electoral College + FPTP voting works, voting for her means helping donald become president due to the spoiler effect.

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Rather than arguing that Stein's goals were unrealistic, or that she's a mere spoiler, or that she's an unwitting tool of Russia, Ocasio-Cortez made a different charge: That the Green Party candidate is simply bad at politics.

Sets aside all the obvious criticisms that everyone is aware of by now and simply goes for the jugular. Attagirl AOC 😍

How dare you politicize gun violence while a police officer is injured!

That's cold man. Any colder and he'll be forced to take a vaca in Mexico

It only took almost a year, but reputable articles saying the willingness of Palestinians to be martyrs is wavering are finally starting to come out. There needs to be more of this because the perception of many is that the 'civilians' are actually terrorist sympathizers, or children being jeopardized by terrorist sympathizers.

You’re welcome to your opinion, but I don’t think she is.

Not really opinion at this point...

Putin’s Shill Stein wants Nato disbanded, the US to give up their SC veto, and revoke weapons to help Ukraine defend itself while simultaneously forcing ‘peace’ (subjugation) negotiations with russia.

For those that don’t understand how the Electoral College + FPTP voting works, voting for her means helping donald become president due to the spoiler effect.

2015 Stein breaking bread with Putin, his senior staff, and Mike Flynn (later Trump's national security advisor

More context:

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I am thinking same as @Zerlyna@lemmy.world. The first time was a wackadoodle that voted Donald. This time it stinks of desperate and paid. IMO by someone from Donald's campaign as they couldn't capitalize on the first attempt.

OP has shown their intentions are vengeance against Dems for perceived slights. Keep this agenda in mind if you read their BS articles.

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Half a year ago – and many political lifetimes before any of these events occurred – Trump averaged an approval rating of 47%. Today, that number is exactly the same. His approval has yet to go below 44% or above 49% over the past half year – essentially remaining within the margin of error. In other words, regardless of events, views of Trump – much like views of Harris and Biden – will likely remain largely unchanged.

This honestly baffles me. I just cannot comprehend his popularity. Felon, rapist, blasphemer, fraudster, laughingstock of the business world (complete idiot in general really), holds nothing but contempt for those that serve in uniform (except maybe the police but really just needs them so keeps his mouth shut), traitor, and admitted dictator...

Almost half the country loves him. WTF is wrong with people?

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The only thing that really bothers me is that they put zero effort into rationally justifying their opinions. "Muh, my opinion, no matter how irrational and unfounded, is just as valid as yours!". That kind of dishonest deflection is trolling but I abhor dragging mods into it unless it is necessary. I can deal with trolling.

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Given the hypothetical that Kamala and Donald are the only 2 available to vote for, who would you prefer win?

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Is there an audio clip?

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Yeah I have Threads in my uBlock filters. Watched the clip and, yeah, that's a hard N if I've ever heard one.

Ssssshhhh... You're interrupting my socratic argument to shut this f'ing guy up.

This article does that annoying thing where it uses acronyms Initialisms without previously using the full verbiage at least once.

BEV - Battery-Electric Vehicle

NGDV - Next Generation Delivery Vehicle

LLV - Long Life Vehicle

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Shocker there. Really. Think I might die of a heart attack from not-surprise.

If anything they did was illegal

Haven't said she did anything illegal yet. We aren't spreading misinformation. All that is backed up by evidence. You are.

I personally don’t care about that photo or your suspicions about her at all all.

Then report me to the mods, file a complaint with the linked news sources, and/or block me. Also, that photo and damning evidence isn't for you. :D

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there is a system of cheques and account balances?

What misinformation am I spreading?

For one, you claim that Democrats are angry or worried about the Green Party and you KNOW (because I and many Many people have proven this to you beyond the point of rational disagreement) they aren't. What they are worried or angry about is the danger of the spoiler effect of these BS 3rd party candidates, with zero chance of winning the presidency, causing the Republicans to win despite almost nobody in these conversations wanting that at all.

You've blatantly said you do not care about the spoiler effect and the only reason someone with your alleged intentions wouldn't care about increasing the chances of Trump winning is if that was what your real goal was.

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And when Trump wins because Harris lost a battleground state by 700 votes a progressive 3rd party got instead what will you say when the US starts sending weapons to Israel en masse?

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Ohp, Trump just sent a plane load of MOABS to Israel.. If only that could have been avoided. You didn't vote for him so you got no worries though , except he just announced anyone pro-Palestine be sent to Segregation camps... sleep soundly with that clean conscience on your wooden mattress.

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Your denial is meaningless. The spoiler effect is proven. Voting 3rd party has cost elections. If you really don't want Trump to win you'd vote Harris, say you were, and clearly state that reality gives you no real choice otherwise you'd vote for whomever. An intelligent stance that acknowledges that you are forced to choose a lesser evil lest 5th grader logic result in the greater evil winning.

If there were primaries, or any 3rd party actually had a chance then by all means vote your conscience. That isn't the case so act your age instead of petulantly voting against your interests just because thinking is hard. Trump will thank you otherwise.

You want to discuss all the mistakes and perversions of/in the system that got us stuck in this mess with no way out that isn't a cop-out I will stand by you and commiserate fullheartedly. But get real in the meantime.

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It’s not my job to “get” Harris or the democrats any votes

No, but it is your job to break large rocks with a mallet all day until Bubba says you can stop. Rumour has spread that Jill Stein fled to Russia, and that Trump signed into law a ban on all unions except for the police.

Shame there was no possible way you and your comrades could have strategically voted that could have prevented all these and more opposites-to-your-'intentions'.

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When someone is so reprehensible, being an obvious traitor to her country for a few rubles, is put in their place I do find joy. Some people deserve much worse but insults are the only real recourse.

I only care about up-votes in this case because it objectively proves you wrong about discrediting which means your predictable burying your head in the sand patently won't work (Hence your spiral into salty hostility). Sorry friend, but beating your chest and crying "I'm right!" won't work when it's prefaced by a big red numeral "f you, you're wrong". :)

If only Democrats wouldn’t have been such jerks to people who didn’t believe in everything they did. Oh well.

Thanks for proving this is about retribution and not ideals. Pleased to meet the real you for once.

Coming back to check how soundly this statement was beaten into oblivion will forever make me smile.

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Knock it off with the straw mans. YOU obviously won't change your mind, but that doesn't mean you aren't trying to convince others... out of a desire for revenge.

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What a coincidence. That's exactly what they put on the tombstone of the mass grave just outside the compound. Nobody ever puts flowers on it though.

If only this tragedy could have been avoided by somehow strategically voting to keep Trump out of office.

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Damn, I really like that article. It sounds harsh but that is obviously done to get the point across. Thanks

Your seeming inability to comprehend the tenets of basic rational argumentation and outright refusal to accept what anyone says to you that you disagree with, supported or not, are glaring flaws in someone whose job it is to evaluate what people are saying in their forums and arbitrate fairly.

Did I not expressly agree that Trump is racist? Show me where I "excuse racism". All I have done is simply (to some) state that "racism accusations are an unnecessary complication to successfully counter Trumps core argument". As I've said already: if someone like MLK jr, or Al Sharpton, or Maya Angelou said "Kamala was pandering to her heritage" your 'that person is racist!' counter would be laughed at. It is besides the point. Nobody disagrees that Trump is racist. Let it go as it doesn't matter for the best counter-argument.

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He should drop out of the race and focus on his mental health then.

Donald's whimpering rebuttal of "but but I saw it on TV" objectively did the most damage to his image of everything I have seen to date.

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Awwww.... Raise it above the old 35% tax rate at least.

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"Avoiding a Tour in Iraq" Walz: Serves 20 years, participates in Operation Enduring Freedom, awarded the Army Commendation Medal, retires honourably, re-enlists for another 4 years after 9/11 and finalizes retirement due to running for office fully achieving a rank of Master Sergeant.

"lucky to escape any real fighting" Vance: Corporal but really a glorified publicist (coined 'Sergeant Scribbles' in the article lol), earns the datta-boy Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal. After discovering there ain't no couches in the marines he leaves the service after only a single 4 year tour.

Clearly a viable and totally-not-wierd attack vector for Vance 🙄

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According to the lawsuit, the Titan “dropped weights” about 90 minutes into its dive, indicating the team had aborted or attempted to abort the dive. “While the exact cause of failure may never be determined, experts agree that the Titan’s crew would have realized exactly what was happening,” the lawsuit states. “Common sense dictates that the crew were well aware they were going to die, before dying.”

Is there anything worse than knowing you're going to die long before your time but powerless to stop it? Oh, knowing you took your kid out with you probably counts.

Vance's first presidential decree: All couches shall from now on be referred to as loveseats

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