‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ – Stein Ahead in Three Critical States

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -40 points –
‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ - Stein Ahead in Three Critical States

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The only thing that really bothers me is that they put zero effort into rationally justifying their opinions. "Muh, my opinion, no matter how irrational and unfounded, is just as valid as yours!". That kind of dishonest deflection is trolling but I abhor dragging mods into it unless it is necessary. I can deal with trolling.

Yeah, that's an evolution from his earlier style. Note that he often subtly flips it to something personal though. Just pay attention to how often he talks about "you" and "them". He seldom addresses facts or arguments, instead he addresses people. Individuals and groups.

What frustrates me is there is enough trolling on social media already, we should not be condoning it by simply allowing it here, in what is usually a more mature Lemmy space. We don't need more internet-ey behavior on the internet, there's already plenty everywhere.

Look at this trying to apply speech impediments to attack OP.