Trump Demands ABC Be Shut Down for Daring to Fact Check Debate to politics – 912 points –
Trump Demands ABC Be Shut Down for Daring to Fact Check Debate

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Donald's whimpering rebuttal of "but but I saw it on TV" objectively did the most damage to his image of everything I have seen to date.

This. He sounded like a 5yo.

That's insulting to 5-year-olds. Many of them can actually complete sentences before going on to the next thought.

Especially from the guy who made the phrase “Fake news” famous.

He’s definitely sundowning.

It still blows me away that he managed to take over the term “fake news”.

It was introduced as a way to explain how social media was leading gullible people into MAGA, but he turned it into a term for persecution of MAGA by conventional media.

It was actually an incredible move. I can’t think of anything he’s spun that well since 2016.

I'm pretty sure Hitler or Mussolini popularized the term (Hitlers translation was closer to "lying press) originally to discredit journalists, socialists, scientists... Etc. Trump has been reported to have Mein Kampf on his bedside table, but I need to actually read it myself to confirm how much of his playbook comes from it. He for sure targets vulnerable, innocent groups (immigrants, women, LGBTQ, etc.). He eroded public infrastructure, attempting to privatize it where he could.

Not Mein Kampf, it was a book of translated Hitler speeches.

My favorite moment from the whole thing was when Harris offhandedly mentioned that his rallies were bad, and he spent a full minute of his rebuttal time insisting that his rallies were awesome, then started arguing with the moderators when they fact checked him. You could see that that, above everything else that went on, rankled him. It really highlighted the narcissism.

The highlight for me for the whole debate was not Trump's pet-eating outburst but the perfect setup and execution Harris did to bait him into that unhinged rant instead of talking about immigration.

She "invites" people to go to Trump rallies. She follows up the point about people leaving rallies early with a note along the lines of: you're about to watch Trump not talk about you. Sure enough, he fell into the trap, and Trump talked about what he cared about most at that moment.

It took him like 2 minutes to do everything she said, right in front of him, that he would

Go back and watch Trump. His eyeballs pop when she says attendees are leaving out of exhaustion and boredom.

I'd say it is when he suggested migrants were eating people's pets 😅

That was all part of the same response and fact check sequence.

The thing is, he looked visibly confused. As if he truly believes that the things he sees on TV are absolute truth.

I was watching it through Dylan Burns stream on it and he said trump sounded like an angry five year old.

Edit: said not sayed, fucken Redneck accent fucken up my spelling.

What was it? “The people on TV said it!”

He sounded exactly like my grandmother with dementia the day I walked into her room to her freaking out about the postman stealing her cheerios.

You misspelled refuttal. Orange you embarrassed?