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Joined 1 months ago

Oh absolutely.

Guys. Stop. Saying anything about him okay.

Let's create a safe space and protect the guy who is open to Nazis,bigots and previously protected gun freaks

Seriously, all this is like digging a hole on the beach and then injuring yourself when you fall in.. and then blaming the lifeguards..

Then after getting help, start digging more holes

Here in Australia, our libertarian party was the only political party to illegally keep advertising well past the election.. Fuckers didn't even clean up their own signs which they are legally required to

It's not the 5g nanobots. They're trying to force us to move to electric so they can control us with our own induction. Cooktops

Best bridge in the world

It's been 10 days lol

You don't have to use the Google store though.

Apple forces you to the their app store, and they have a huge list of requirements they impose on apps to which dicks around developers

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Yep.. People use Tesla as an example of EVs failing

It's not falling because of EVs, it's falling because the guy running it is so dodgy that consumers can't be sure they're not going to fuck things up in the future.

It also doesn't help that Elon lies about things he doesn't need to (even stupid things like calling the cave diver a pedo) and that makes potential consumers wonder what else he's lying about.

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Jeezus. Microsoft can't do anything without people talking crap about them 😂

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The biggest issue with Reddit and Facebook was that they let stuff like this stick around it and eventually consume it.

It's a good policy imho, and I'm happy to see it

Science should prevail

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Just to play devils advocate though.. awesome people and awesome country.

I've always wondered if I'd rather live there and be poor honestly than live here in Australia (which is basically at least 50% redneck at this point)

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He treats Putin better than the American president.

There seems to be a few people suddenly calling Biden racist too, and trying to say both parties are the same. If it quacks like a lobbyist, it is possibly a lobbyist..

But yeah. This is overall probably due to the election more than anything.

People like me (I'm Aussie) will even up vote some things simply because I can't imagine how bad it would be for Trump to win again.. For the entire world.

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Oh ffs.. This is the one I have..

And, you know what? The firmware sucks.

You can't even connect to wifi if you have two AP's with the same name (which is literally everyone).

I haven't even installed the app in ages because it's a PITA and has never worked 100%.

But, they can guarantee my next one won't be an anova again. There are much cheaper alternatives now

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Sounds like he was actually kicked for being disrespectful. You can use your freedom of speech to be an ass surprisingly enough

The problem with Tesla really is Elon.

If he sells his majority stake, I suspect it would be a lot better.

The biggest reason against buying them is him. They also make more than cars (their powerwalls seem alright).

If X fails though, I suspect all those bigots will flood over to here (Facebook and X seem to be distracting them for now).

Let them have their nazi prison. Just make it not profitable

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The first thing he did after getting shot was blame democrats instead of stopping the nazi rhetoric

That's despite them laughing and joking that palosis husband got attacked. They supported Trump and still get blamed. He has no honour whatsoever. He's still a massive lier who has promised suffering to many who elect him and to impede justice

The only reason I wish it didn't happen is because it puts other politicians at risk and further empowers right wing crazies

Honestly, he deserved it. He deserves jail (he raped multiple women). He defamed the women he raped. He cheated his way through life and brags about screwing over the trades he hires ruining their lives. He's degrading the rights of everyone he isn't and marked a return of racism and bigotry. He makes jokes about other people getting injured. He's a bully and now since people don't call him out until now, he's successfully raised to the spot of president bully

He uses people, and abuses them and is following a mafia playbook.

The only surprise is that it took so long honestly... Everyone expected it eventually (especially after he promised to be a dictator and free criminals).

It's not a surprise it was a registered republican who did the shooting either, because many of them have probably felt screwed over by him too and there are some decent people on that side too who are likely sick of the extremism

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I never saw the thread, but based on what I'm hearing, it's animal abuse.

If you look at Reddit and Facebook they've both been mostly consumed by anti science communities which put people in real danger

We see communities like this create an echo chamber which grows and make it impossible to argue sanely.

The fact is, I have seen some increasingly toxicity in some vegan (and some other) communities on Lemmy too. And it is one reason why I left beehaw. Because they allow toxic communities to flourish (as long as they were driven by a minority).

I'd even go as far as the behavior of some of these communities look like femaledatingadvice/thedonald on Reddit slowly. It's ok to have disagreements, but nobody and no animals should be put at risk.

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Even if it was true (it's not, the right wing seems heavily obsessed with lgbtiq people) why the f**k should we care? Lol

I have some trans and many gay friends. It doesn't even get mentioned. They're just people lol. I believe people living on the street or are terminally ill probably have bigger priorities than peoples sexual orientation and preferences

I'm fairly sure kids getting shot at school regularly might be a bit of a bigger issue to most

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I'd say it is when he suggested migrants were eating people's pets 😅

Why is this news? I assume he does stuff like this anyway.

Would be better to focus on Harris and Walz policies instead. Stuff like this just gives Trump the attention he craves

I don't.

In fact, I live in Australia, and months before the insurrection, I saw 5 mins of one of his rallies at the time and it was obvious he was trying to manipulate the election. They rally likely went on for an hour or more

He's now very openly manipulating people into thinking the justice department needs to be shut down or replaced. He's dropped hints plenty of times he wants an unlimited term.

There is so much evidence here. I'm not even American and I worked it out...

A lot of Biden was also focused around a brainfart he had during the debate.. I just spent days at an expo, and I had plenty where I lost my chain of thought due to being tired.

And a photo where it looks like he's speaking to nobody.. But they cropped the parachuter out.

Whereas, Trump constantly makes major mistakes for things he should know. And it is in general incoherent rambling. I'm a total introvert and even I don't fuck up the way Trump does (ie, completely mixing up people and names constantly).

Moved to Firefox years ago. I wish they could diversify their income though

Because whilst technical people know it has limited applications (like blockchain), business people tend to fall for buzzwords easily because they don't realise a lot of the things it does were solved in other ways

Pretty much. It wouldn't surprise me if long term Elon tries to run for office too as a right wing candidate now that Trump has shown to him that you can abuse the office for unethical reasons.

As his business drops, it will increasingly become profitable for him to push for no workers rights and increasingly worse consumer rights

I love that he managed to help push EVs mainstream, but he's now a detriment

They've also started using a lot of channel names which are totally unrelated to politics. No huge surprise of course that it's the right wing doing stuff like this...

Yeah nah. We already have copilot and it introduces so many subtle bugs.

It's mysterious how Spotify has so much money to give him, yet can't offer lossless audio or pay artists well.

He won't. The only reason he is running this time is to stay out of jail though I think.

If he drops out, I guarantee he's going to be doing a runner shortly after.

It's more likely he'll use this event to set up things for a civil war

You just join another instance like normal.

But having left beehaw recently, I would say I can't really see any good reasons to leave lemmy world.

I only left beehaw because one admin I felt was overlooking crap people in one specific minority and it was slowly turning into a echo chamber. Ironically, it turns out the crap person in particular coloured my perception of other lemmy servers ages ago to make it seem like other lemmy servers were a cesspool (they are not)

It was also surprisingly unstable compared to lemmy world servers

I haven't seen any actions by lemmy world admins however which would encourage leaving.

In fact, you can access mostly the same posts from different servers here anyway because servers are mostly federated

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Something tells me that you're not at fault....

We have similar extremist dickheads here similar to trump (but Trump helps give them power too).

And yeah.. It's absolutely clear trump won't change his behavior. That became clear after he had a second judgement filed against him for defamation by E Jean Carroll, and he can likely be sued a 3rd time successfully. He really is dumb as dog ****. Could have spent the rest of his life playing golf lying about his profitability. Instead he chose to offend half of the country, and draw attention to himself and his crimes by bragging

Not this nonsense again. 60% of EV owners have solar panels for starters

Secondly, they're becoming increasingly less reliant on rare earth metals and all that can be recycled anyway

Their battery can be used for v2g to assist solar and further transition

Finally, they're incredibly effectively compared to combustion.

In comparison to combustion and hybrid, they're way cleaner over the entire life

And now with sodium batteries coming into the market, they'll increasingly become so.

Are they as clean as bikes? No

But not everyone wants to be isolated within 5km of public transport and their home.

I'd have to travel 2 hours by train to get to work, and wouldn't be able to go mountaineering or hiking anymore

Also, what's with the nonsense about there aren't enough mineral resources.

EVs don't need to use lithium batteries. The technology can evolve with any battery chemistry or power source.

Whereas gas or hydrogen is limited to those two options permanently

Hydrogen in particular has absolutely s*** efficiency in all parts of the process. It's only clean if you ignore the high energy wastage

It won't. It simply benefits Apple and Amazon who should have been broken up a decade ago

Amazon literally has had a mostly worldwide monopoly

Don't forget that the right wing has a hard-on for Google. People like them are Apple's target market (I guarantee their families were the first to get iPads) and don't forget their really warped questions during the congressional hearings which demonstrated that they had done absolutely no research and had a huge inherent bias. Stupid questions like "if I walk 3m to the right, can you guys see that". Or, why does president Trump come up as the first hit on Google for loser

I support this, but only if it happens to all 3 companies simultaneously . Otherwise, we're just transferring more power to Apple (who honestly have followed some Trump style tactics over the last 25 years)

I get the idea behind a duopoly, but from an economics and game theory point of view, but, if applied unequally, another monopoly will simply take advantage.

Maybe democrats should start removing all the tp from the men's bathrooms at the republican rallies

Not sure if it would teach them much though.

Stuff like this is honestly such a stupid toxic hill to die on.

It's such a common sense policy (similar to having water fountains at schools).. There are only huge benefits

Already had one person today mention my down votes .

It didn't validate their argument at all and without context it can be interpreted in any fashion to make it seem malicious

You forget that he's a "smart businessman"

I think the only people who get paid around him is the secret service (and he probably doesn't pay taxes, so they're not getting paid by him)

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Yep. Totally agree.

I only ended up with a Mac because edge kept hijacking my chrome tabs every reboot

But, it costs far more than a PC, and honestly, the hardware capabilities are worse

At least the M3 chips I think now have ray tracing. But still no nested VT so I can't even run the windows android emulator in parallels

Also, I keep coming across weird Mac os bugs with windows handling and device handling

I actually used to sell them. And got in an argument with a national sales manager over running windows on them. Apple released boot camp a week later and suddenly he returned to repeat the same arguments I used against him. Never got an apology

Of course, because nothing has changed. He was doing these crimes before becoming president

It wouldn't surprise me that if it is why he gets people to call him president Trump still. Because it makes it seem he's still doing official duties.

He should consider himself lucky that he's not going to jail for rape too

I think initially it was simply because Ellen pao might have wanted freedom of speech. The funny thing is that the people she defended turned against her

But this turned into an issue eventually Steve seemed to get rid of some communities, and allowed places like thedonald to flourish. I believe he just wants money.

So you could be right

Yep.. i actually looked at Subscribing. But.. It's basically mostly amateur hour and the subscription costs a huge amount.

Even worse, I don't believe creators even get revenue until they exceed sufficient subscribers. So most people are actually paying youtube to put benefit from other people's video's which they have no involvement in.

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So.. Two things..

I have a funny story regarding modding on Lemmy..

Ran into two bad mods the other day (related to the same convo). But, gist of the story is, I got into a discussion with someone who heavily exaggerated and claimed I wanted to kill an entire minority, as I only 80% agreed with them (they were basically demanding government benefits which would cause a huge issue if applied to other communities which was required to be fair , and they couldn't even set the parameters of the rules for it). A Beehaw admin freely ignored the outrageous comment that the other mod made, and branded me instantly as "starting a fight".

As I was deleting my Beehaw account, I noticed that same non-beehaw mod had actually been in a thread I had also posted in a month ago which was discussing more conservative people moving to Lemmy (I'm VERY left). They basically said in the discussion they were constantly needing to remove "conservative" and people who were trying to start fights . This was ironic because doing the huge exaggeration thing and calling someone a derogatory name is basically out of the conservative playbook (and they were certainly the only ones fighting), and anywhere else it would be seen as rediculous behavior.

People in that thread though also made it sound like the rest of Lemmy was a cesspool. This colored my opinion of Lemmy and I realised my opinion came from that same thread, so, I didn't want to leave beehaw, and only took the leap recently.

I was actually hugely surprised by Lemmy World. Everyone is a lot more respectful here than I expected and I think its even a better safe space than beehaw, where . There are a lot more connected instances, so the bad actors get drowned out easier, and it promotes a healthy discussion, where science is encouraged. We might not all agree, but it's a lot easier to avoid echo chambers. The science memes community is also AWESOME on Lemmy and beats anywhere else imho.

Reddit on the other hand, doesn't seem to have good moderation (most mods are unpaid and the power hungry ones will try to manage hundreds of communities). It has degraded into people fishing for karma , and has a higher percentage of abusive people who also likely abuse others on facebook (many aussie subs have degraded into far right wing where science is discouraged and people purposely try to push an echo chamber). THere are a lot of good mods here though, and if you don't like a community, you can block it and find another one.. The cool part is that I suspect over time, this will eventually keep mods honest.

The biggest problem is that Reddit SHOULD have acted on FatPeopleHate, the Donald and Female Dating strategy. They didn't act on jailbait either apparently. Those people established themselves permanently into the community, grew to some of the largest communities and the moment mods left, many of those same communities likely did a power grab too. Reddit staff don't really care either, and since the people running the servers don't seemingly care (similar to facebook), it simply encourages them