Elon Musk’s backing of Donald Trump is hurting Tesla’s struggling EV business in Europe

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 1019 points –
Elon Musk’s backing of Donald Trump is hurting Tesla’s struggling EV business in Europe

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Yep.. People use Tesla as an example of EVs failing

It's not falling because of EVs, it's falling because the guy running it is so dodgy that consumers can't be sure they're not going to fuck things up in the future.

It also doesn't help that Elon lies about things he doesn't need to (even stupid things like calling the cave diver a pedo) and that makes potential consumers wonder what else he's lying about.

I'd rather buy from a company ran buy someone who's main job is running the company rather than being a social media MAGA influencer

Pretty much. It wouldn't surprise me if long term Elon tries to run for office too as a right wing candidate now that Trump has shown to him that you can abuse the office for unethical reasons.

As his business drops, it will increasingly become profitable for him to push for no workers rights and increasingly worse consumer rights

I love that he managed to help push EVs mainstream, but he's now a detriment

It's actually an example of having 1 leader at the top being a failure versus a democratic company that has workers vote on decisions and press releases etc