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Joined 6 months ago

I don’t like mug root beer. Easy choice

Because that’s a chinese corporation making money.

It’s fine when a US one does it

If you can’t make money without stealing copywritten works from authors without proper compensation, you should be shut down as a company

Reddit was taken over by the right wing a long time ago. This person is out of the loop

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Why are we doing popularity polls on billionares? Unless he’s running for office the default for all normal Americans should just be eat the rich.

Do you have a warrant? Then sorry officer I will not hand it over per my fifth amendment right.

From there just say you’re not saying anything else without a lawyer and then just keep demanding a lawyer.

Yes. The cop will get pissed off. But better him mad then you spending years trying to get out of a bogus charge because of some bullshit they found on your phone. Better to be annoying and demand to speak to a lawyer.

Unfortunately that CEO is giving them all a bad name. And the cybertruck is enough of a disaster that it’s destroying the reputation of Tesla by itself.

I don’t know if you can call the cybertruck progress when it’s fucking up basic stuff already worked out in normal cars. Like manual door releases.

City council meetings are public meetings. But if you go in there and start swearing your head off and using the N-word you will be removed because you are distupting the ability of rational people to have a discussion.

Twitter has decided to let these freaks scream their heads off. This disrupting its ability to be used as a public forum. It is no longer a public forum. It’s just 4Chan now. Sane people wanting to have discussions don’t use 4Chan.

Hopefully when Musk does this it will convince my addicted friends to drop the platform when their stalkers can all suddenly contact them again.

Or maybe it’ll get the EU to ban the platform like Brazil did.

So of course Musk immediately threatens to “give her a child”. Like a normal not weird person.

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Many LGBT youth are hiding that fact from their parents because those parents will either throw them out of the house, send them to reeducation camp, or physicallt abuse them for coming out.

This policy is trying to hurt children.

This is gross. I cut my cable because of ads. Have about 3 types of adblockers on my computer to stop them. This hyper marketing is why so many have turned away from traditional entertainment to begin with.

I am more than the ability to spend money and it’s goddamn time everyone say this and boycott companies that do shady garbage like this

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My god, he is such a dipshit.

And people are actually voting for him? We are living in the movie Idiocracy. I want out.

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Yes. Lets shut down the government over this. The furloughed workers totally won’t vote democrat in protest.

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Joe Rogan endorsing RFK JR is the most inevitable thing to ever happen. Why is MAGA even surprised? If you’ve ever listened to even one of Rogan’s podcasts, RFK JR is very much like Rogan.

Hopefully this helps Harris.

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At this point the government just needs to sue Boeing into bankruptcy. They cannot be allowed to continue to gamble with others’ lives while taking taxpayer money

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Hopefully it drags down the whole trump campaign.

Good. Lets hope all these olympic lawsuits are the death knell for twitter. Musk has turned it into nothing but a hellsite. Before he took over, shit like what JK Rowling spews would have gotten her permabanned from it.

You will get LGBTQ people killed by forcing them to use their real identities online.

This take isn’t unpopular, it’s terrible

Breaking up homeless encampments doesn’t fix the fact that these people have nowhere to live! What a cruel policy.

Why not emminent domain overpriced apartment buildings owned by the Saudis, Chinese, and Russians, and give the apartments away the homeless. Problem solved.

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And yet, local media has become such shit that it’s impossible to research the positions of many local candidates.

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Back in the day, major news sites like the BBC ran ads that were infected with malware that then infected computers. These weren’t shady sites like people expect you to get viruses from.

Installed an ad blocker the day that news broke and never looked back. Ads are potentially harmful to your devices.

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Even AI knows how tiny his hands really are. First picture is spot on.

Would be the most based thing the FTC ever did.

Adobe Acrobat has added AI to their program and I hate it so much. Every other time I try to load a PDF it crashes. Wish I could convince my boss to use a different PDF reader.

More nazi shit. Cool, cool.

Wait. So the cop mayor finally does one thing right with his out of control police force, and is immediately sued by a bunch of roided up angry cops?

Checks out.

It was a targeted strike. The aid trucks literally had the name of their organization on the roof. You could read it lining up your bomb.

And note they only apologize when they kill westerners. Palestinians are still dying by the hundreds each day.

Israel is a terrorist state.

So how many hostages is this that have said Hamas treated them well, it was Israel that hurt them? Because I can think of at least 2 others.

Well yeah. I want my fucking abortion rights back.

Except - Trump owns the courts thanks to Bitch McConnell and his justice stealing, and the Republicans don’t give a shit about the rule of law anyway.

What are a bunch of lawyers going to do in the face of a crowd of well armed republicans determined to fight to put Trump in the presidency? Jan 6 was a shitshow and they were lucky it was disorganized.

Lindsey Graham proves that all conservatives are angry, hateful people and wants to make everyone else just like him.

It’s not just a false claim. It’s an old racist trope against Haitians. It was a slur used on national TV.

Hi. I’m here. Trump is too old and demented to be president. Just like biden.

The difference is the right doesn’t care. Because they know it doesn’t matter who is in office. Either way they get everything they want.

Edit: and arguably everyone who was actually concerned about biden and not just a republican shill is now happily voting Harris.

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She almost, ALMOST has it!

Just a little bit of mental extension and she’ll realize that this is the same reason trans women should be allowed to play women’s sports as well

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Don’t give the creep the benefit of the doubt. He’s got this weird ass breeding kink he inherited from his father and has been gross toward women in the past.

This is such classic Republican bullshit. They believe that a universally panned decision made by a bunch of white men is superior to the constitutional amendments that overturned it.

It’s the same way they read the bible. The Old Testament is king, even though Jesus’s birth overturns most of it.

Try pasting the link in 12 foot ladder next time. Works beautifully. https://12ft.io/

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These hosts are doing everything they can to justify having a job. Normal people would say “yeah maybe we shouldn’t have swears and slurs in a game targeted at families”

This is republican assholes wanting to protect their oil wealth. Has nothing to do with workers.

Imagine actively destroying the place your kids live to get more money. They’re psychopaths

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