Claudia De la Cruz slams Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision to kick her off 2024 ballot

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Democrats do not want democracy


Yes, the Democrats don't want democracy at all because they follow the laws and regulations required to get a candidate into the actual elections, and aren't complete fools who show up late to the party accusing everyone else for being the problem.

It's clearly Democrats' fault that this ticket is incompetent. You ever wonder why they're only making noise in swing states and not bothering with the Bible Belt states at all?

Ever wonder why that may be?

Green party didnt show up late, they did all they needed to do and on time

Also wrong. See Nevada.

My comment isn't about the Green Party in this thread.

Yeah, im talking about Nevada too. What should they have done differently, they even went to the secretary of state to make sure they were doing things right. How many frivolous obstacles do you want to put in the way of letting people vote for someone?

TLDR: you can't feign ignorance by actually being stupid because they didn't read the materials and recognize the form was wrong.

Jesus christ you get the form straight from the secretary of state and youre gonna call them stupid for thinking its valid? This is obvious sabotage, how can you have no criticism of the secretary, the person in charge of running the election, for handing out bogus forms.

As the judge said: they didn't read the packet, which CLEARLY shows the form, form type, fields noting the form...etc.

They fucked up.

Do you have the packet to see? I want to see whats so clear about it being invalid

Did you not read the ruling?

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Democrats do not want democracy

It definitely looks that way, doesn't it? They wanna hold on their duopoly power just as much as the repubicans do. lol

I definitely looks that way

That’s a good point. I’m starting to think they fill out the paperwork wrong just to fuel their persecution complex…


Easier than actually doing the hard work to get elected.

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