A Republican, Democrat and Libertarian qualify for Utah’s gubernatorial debate

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 12 points –

I honestly expected this to be a joke of the “walks into a bar” kind.
Also hahaha Libertarians, ape shit feudalism.

Who's audience does the libertarian try to appeal to? The Republicans who's values should more align with their, or the Democrats who they're more worried about keeping out of the position?

It would depend on what kind of libertarian they are. Could lean right or left. Big L or small L.

Good question. Many Lemmy users think it's unfair to have third parties on the ticket, UNLESS it's a third party that they think may take votes away from Republicans. Then suddenly they are fine with the idea of third parties. Funny, that...

In my area, most libertarians are independent in nature and don't like democrats or republicans. They seem to be conservative with money, liberal with social values.

For the record I didn't kick or drop your post, it's insightful and a bit slanted, but I don't think anyone in the greater Lemmy community cares about keeping people off voter ballots?

but I don’t think anyone in the greater Lemmy community cares about keeping people off voter ballots?

Well, I'd have to disagree with that.

I wish you were right. But that's not what I have personally experienced in the comments I have read in my other posts. This community is very very anti-third party when the party is a Socialist party or the Green Party.