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Came on just to say this. I'd argue that it's by party rather than by individual, so with the Dems trying to get another term Biden has to be careful not to throw a spanner into the works for Harris.

As a temporary fix, instead of service systemd-resolved restart as per the article, you can try this, service systemd-resolved stop

Once the service is stopped the port should be free. You'll have to do this on every reboot (though maybe you can try adding the command to /etc/rc.local to stop it on every reboot)

Didn't the UK already reduce arms sales?

Maybe it's time to reduce even more and for other countries to follow suit.

Different federal circuits have ruled in different ways on these matters.

Hence why I mentioned an SC decision, United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez, above. Can't get more settled than an SC decision - the only way that can be reversed is if the SC reverses itself later or if there's a constitutional amendment in response to the decision.

Considering the current SCOTUS' "interesting" interpretation of concepts like bodily integrity and immunity,

Would need to see the specific references to the rulings on this by the SC to come up with a fully informed response (and I apologize if these were actually mentioned in the article but I missed them).

If you're referring to the case that was recently decided as per https://www.justsecurity.org/95636/supreme-court-presidential-immunity/ then I'd argue that a) this is unrelated to the your statement below and b) is an example where the current SC has disrupted existing settled law.

I stand by my statement that constitutional rights and protections for non-citizens within the US is not a settled matter of law.

And I stand by my statement that it is settled law, albeit with the significant caveat that the current SC could undo that settled law any time the right case is brought before them.

Yes, people forget that not every founding father was Christian. Ben Franklin was a deist, as per his autobiography, for example.

Yep, it might be enough to just add that file with the setting set to no and restart.

That sounds about right for the GOP.

Regarding Dems, I'd have to say citation needed (barring of course the cases I implied above - but in those the reasoning is more nuanced than just "nO mOrE cHoIcEs"). A good counter example is how they backed independent socialist Bernie Sanders, https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/mar/02/how-can-bernie-sanders-run-democratic-primary-when/

I'd argue that it should be seen by party rather than by individual. So the real lame duck period doesn't start until it's clear that the White House is about to change parties. This is much shorter (election in Nov, new Prez sworn in late Jan) and also covers the period major winter holidays (so don't expect too much to get done).

In a way, AOC was right.

Wanted to add that the there's an exception to this. The actual law states that, among other categories,

Candidates for the senate and assembly nominated by each political party at the primary,

Also, from https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2024/08/26/wisconsin-supreme-court-declines-to-hear-lawsuit-against-green-party-ballot-access/

Legislative candidates can also be electors.

So if the Green Party had fielded candidates for these lower offices, then those candidates could also serve as the electors and they wouldn't have this problem. Which hits the point that AOC made well, that the Green Party needs to be building at the grassroots and fielding candidates in more lower offices.

If we check the law itself again, there's also this bit,

8.185 Write-in candidates for president and vice president. ... (2) Any candidates for the office of president and vice president of the United States as write-in candidates shall file a list of presidential electors ... Compliance with this subsection may be waived by the commission ... In such event, the write-in candidate shall have until 4:30 p.m. on the Friday following the general election to comply with the filing requirements of this subsection.

It's interesting to see that the requirements are more lax for write-in candidates - not needing to decide on the electors until after the election has been held.

And if a write-in or independent or third party did win the election, I think it's a possibility that retiring state senators from other parties might well agree to serve as electors for that candidate (as the better alternative to seeing the state's electoral votes lost).

So if Jill Stein were a write-in candidate, then it's possible to see her getting an actual slate of electors in Wisconsin if she did win the election in that state.

That being the case, perhaps there's some legal rabbit that the Green Party is waiting to pull out of their hat to solve this when the time is right - say to argue and convince the WEC and the courts that the more lax write-in deadline should apply to Stein and the Green Party upon their victory.

"And secure the election and jam the Senate". It sounds like the guy thinks they'll will the presidency if they force a shutdown. Has that worked, like, ever?

It's doubly so when you realize that far from being neutral, that the NYT board has repeatedly endorsed the Dem candidate since this guy started running on the GOP ticket:

2016 - https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/25/opinion/sunday/hillary-clinton-for-president.html
2020 - https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/06/opinion/joe-biden-2020-nytimes-endorsement.html

Why can't they do it again?

How dumb do you have to be to confuse a chicken with a cat?

Wow, Swift broke Orange Voldemort!

From earlier, https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jill-stein-slams-nevada-supreme-court-after-green-party-suffers-big-blow-in-ballot-battle/ar-AA1qfyLA

The campaign team for Stein and her running mate, Dr. Butch Ware, have said there is "no legal recourse" to fight the Nevada decision.

Well, I guess he was wrong then.

That distinguishes this case from the one involving the Green Party in Nevada - where they had the right paperwork, but were told by the officials of the State to use the wrong set and then got disqualified for it.

For the latter - usually, if the gov't screws up, they usually have to do something to fix it (either allow the outdated paperwork that they said would work, to actually work - or extend the deadline to two weeks from now to file the correct paperwork, or something).

Good for her and good on you for checking.

Just pointing out that one can have statutory rights - provided by law - that aren't outright in the Constitution. You are correct to add the "YMMV" caution - as in theory, it might be Florida's laws rather than the 2A which give your wife the right to carry. Florida's laws attempt to implement the 2A but in practice they might have opened the requirements wider than absolutely mandated by the 2A.

It is not a settled matter of law that the protections and rights provided by the Constitution to "the People" extend to non-citizens, even when those non-citizens are legal immgrants with long-standing ties to their community in the United States.

This is wrong. From the article you linked to,

Courts have held “the people” of the First and Fourth Amendments to include noncitizens, even including illegal aliens inside the country

And note that this part of the article cites earlier US Supreme Court decisions, e.g.

United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez, 494 U.S. 259, 271 (1990) (holding that aliens receive constitutional protections when they enter the country and have “developed substantial connections”)

What the article makes clear is that gun ownership by noncitizens hasn't been directly ruled on by the Supreme Court yet. Some district courts have ruled on legal permanent residents having this right (1)

Others have said that for temporary visa holders, they don't have the same right (2)

Of course, this is not to say that the SC cannot upend existing settled law. By reversing Roe vs Wade, they proved that they can. But that's different from saying the law hasn't been settled yet.


The District of Massachusetts, in Fletcher v. Haas, ruled a state law unconstitutional because it categorically excluded noncitizens from firearm ownership. The court found “no justification for refusing to extend the Second Amendment to lawful permanent residents” because they have “developed sufficient connection” with the United States.


In 2012, the Eastern District of Arkansas ruled that a state statute barring temporary visa holders from purchasing weapons was valid. The court distinguished Fletcher on the grounds that it applied only to permanent legal residents, and an open question existed as to Second Amendment protections for temporary residents. It ruled that those protections did not extend to temporary visa holders.

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I feel AOC is right here. It would be easier to take the Green Party more seriously if they were working hard to build a grassroots and running for and wining elections not only for Senator or House Rep, but even in state legislatures. Perhaps even a governorship or two.

C'mon, I mean Harris isn't perfect but the other guy has done a lot, lot, lot worse...

Ignoring the seriousness of Covid? Think how many died needlessly because of that. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/trumps-policy-failures-have-exacted-a-heavy-toll-on-public-health1/

Even ignoring covid, how many died under his health policy (or lack thereof)? Possibly over 25k: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/quantifying-health-coverage-losses-under-trump/

Heck, technically he's not even anti-abortion! https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trumps-abortion-stances-republicans-2024-gop-rcna147222

For anyone who is "pro-life" in terms of all human beings being and staying alive, I should think that backing Harris should be a no-brainer.

2020 said hi.

Yeah, I think it should have been broken up at least with commas like so (or the appropriate pauses when spoken outloud),

Moscow agreed to discharge Indian nationals, who were illegally inducted into the Russian Armed Forces, during a meeting between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin in July.

Although a minor rewrite would be better,

During a meeting between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin in July, Moscow agreed to discharge Indian nationals who were illegally inducted into the Russian Armed Forces.

That's a bit disturbing - how can someone with so little knowledge of how the system works change it without breaking it?

The Green party has some good positions that I'd be willing to support (such as having the US join the International Criminal Court), but at the same time I sense a big change from the days when Ralph Nader was the candidate.

The sad thing is that RCV might require a constitutional amendment to make it happen nationwide. See for example https://www.pressherald.com/2017/05/23/maine-high-court-says-ranked-choice-voting-is-unconstitutional/

I like it but I don't see it happening without some other major reforms. Hence why I keep hoping for the 127 DC states plan...

Seems to me that he's trying to do the right thing, as per https://www.aa.com.tr/en/world/us-to-demand-access-to-israels-investigation-of-slain-turkish-american-activist/3331943?amp=1 he's pushing for more access to the investigation - likely to prevent the IDF from covering it up (and based on the timing this started after reports came in contradicting the IDF's line).

It's difficult to understand, but I can see why hasn't spoken out about it publicly yet - on the one-in-a-million off chance that it turns out the IDF was right about it being an accident all along (yeah right), he doesn't want to have to apologize to them (and really can you blame anyone for not wanting to apologize to the IDF?).

A silver lining, we can view the US folks who gain access and review as being more independent than the IDF themselves.

^ This

I'm partial to ecosia.org myself. Search while helping to plant more trees!

Same here!

Amin Abed ... in July ... was attacked by Hamas security operatives, who covered his head and dragged him away before repeatedly striking him with hammers and metal bars.

Granted this might have been reported back in July when it happened and I missed it, but that was news to me.

And I think it's important to spread the word on just how repressive and totalitarian the regime of Hamas has been, even to its own people - the ones that it purports to be protecting.

This is worrysome. India's neutral stance and continued relations with Russia allowed it to successfully push to save its own people.

But the article points out,

Earlier media reports revealed various schemes to lure people from third-party countries, including India, to Russia under promises of lucrative jobs or other opportunities only to pressure them into enlisting.

So not just India. Are folks from places like Nepal still trapped after having gotten illegally impressed into the Russian Army?

Lemmy doesn't implement Mastodon (which is the fediverse version of Twitter), only their own Lemmy one (Reddit clone). Kbin and Mbin implement both, as does pyfedi/piefed.

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By getting off ballot in swing states only, he can show how popular he his to his campaign fund donors without risk of being a spoiler for the election.

And if Drumpf were to win, then a surprisingly good showing here might help getting support for a future campaign - say 2028.

It's outrageous and disgusting.

The other takeaway I'd have from this is - if Nate Silver is correct then it's a warning sign to Dems. There's a need to go out to the swing states and tweak policy positions and messaging to win over voters there to get the numbers back up and get a stronger win - one strong enough to translate into a win in the EC.

Yep, pyfedi supports Mastodon integration just like mbin.

refused entry to Hong Kong. He had come from mainland China.

Not really disagreeing with you, but - it's just that (in the past at least) you'd expect mainland China to be a tad stricter and less flexible about this compared to HK, but it seems like this time it was the other way around. So slightly surprising. But only slightly.

This person is in fact a US citizen.

Edit: From the article,

And a simple search reveals that Ferrell has been a registered voter in Ohio for the past six years.

I'm confused. The article doesn't make clear the distinction between 538 (owned by Disney with Nate Silver no longer involved) vs Nate Silver's new (and paywalled) Silver Bulletin.

No worries. I host my own instance basically for free, and - the funky (but free) instance name is the price I have to pay for that. I figured that my username should probably match as well, so...

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Even if they do win in Nov, the Prez is still term limited and can't run again. So Vance will never be in the same position as Pence. I suspect this is just empty posturing to play to a certain crowd, knowing that he (Vance) would never get called on it...

Edit: Though he might do it for, say, his own Presidential run in 2028. But that's not quite the same thing - Pence wasn't being asked to make himself President four years ago.

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The author (who isn't OP) is using federated wordpress blogs, so expect to see this pop up if you are subscribing to them.

That being the case, and also considering the rough edges around the fediverse right now, I think the link sharing is reasonable. I'll add that this isn't the first time I've seen it shared.

Well, I self-host (using a laptop at home). But srv.us provides me the required DNS/domain name for free - it's similar to ngrok if you are familiar with that.

That said, it's possible to get an instance hosted completely for free on the cloud - Oracle Cloud specifically. See https://gopinath.org/2022-11-11-hosting-ktistec-on-oracle-cloud