Donald Trump has no idea what has hit him, and it’s a joy to watch to politics – 699 points –
Donald Trump Has No Idea What
Has Hit Him, and It’s a Joy to Watch

He’s had yet another horrible week. The old tricks aren’t working. Kamala Harris does not fear him. And it’s showing in the numbers.


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The mainstream media just doesn't reflect/represent the majority of Americans anymore and hasn't for quite some time, actually.

This would suggest that the polls indicated that Hilary was more popular despite Trump going on to win the popular vote. This did not happen. The majority of Americans dislike Trump and he lost the popular vote and never had an approval rating over 50%.

However, there's a lot of reporting on polls that operate like the popular vote, despite the popular vote not really mattering.

The actual assessment is that the electoral college just doesn't reflect/represent the majority of Americans, and it never really did.