
0 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Wow... That's crazy... ignorant teens debating politics. That shouldn't be encouraged.

The mainstream media just doesn't reflect/represent the majority of Americans anymore and hasn't for quite some time, actually.

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Dick don't work

Especially now.

Was that an attempt at Pig latin? Cuz you did it wrong.

God help me... I wanna make fun of you. You removed my comment for "incivility." Arg. Nvm. Thanks, lemme gestapo.

Yeah, I feel like trusting ai is going to lead people down dangerously convincing rabbit holes

Fair enough indeed.

Lol. It's the topping on my cake

I would be bothered if a movie written in pig-latin was dub to English... who doesn't understand pig?

What beautiful language.

Egads! This is quite terrible when you realize the implications.

How'd you know I wasn't American?

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Well, I'm not sure cameo appearances qualify "movie star."

And maybe they wouldn't be that insightful. Either way, it's a silly notion. We certainly should put weight in the political opinions of pop stars. Queen Latifahs endorsement of Biden is what swayed my vote.

Edit: So... Everyone agrees pop stars political opinions are important? It's ok that Queen Latifahs swayed my vote?

Lol. Way to illustrate that you don't understand what's going on here.

Where would one go? Socialism?

Misguided and wrong. And I don't think you understand what trolling is.

I doubt you're wrong, but the link didn't load

Well, everyone can and should come to their own conclusion. One thing...

articles about Trump losing have a much stronger Central bias.

It's about 1/3 central 2/3 left. I think that is a good way to look at that.

I'd say one conclusion (yes, an assumption) I could make is that dogs and cats somewhere in America have been eaten.

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"The great chorus of democracy"....

Sorry if it just seems like im shitting on opinions, but like this, it's just bad... this "great chorus of democracy" is called an echo chamber. It is a chorus. Everyone is reaffirming each other's opinions with no one able to say contrary without ridicule and insults. No one with opposing views wants to be here because of this. Thus, it turns into an echo chamber.

I don't think most here get out into the real world much because people here think the opinions shared here are shared by everybody... but no, the reinforced opinions here are not litmus test of reality.

I'm sure everyone will have a lot of time to indulge your certainly well-informed and nuanced political opinions.

I'm not inclined to take you up on that offer as it seems very disingenuous. I'm not going to express my political opinions so you and your crew can team up and harass me. I'll give you this, our options for POTUS are pitiful. It nearly makes me sick, considering either as our next president. Having said that, Harris is a weak puppet. Biden was senile puppet. Between the 2 options, it sucks but I think Trump is the better choice. He isn't going to end democracy or destroy America like dissenting voice claim. He'll be in office for 4 years and then be gone. Thank God. Many Conservatives have shamed and disgraced the party by turning into the trump party.

Having said that, everything is going to be fine. With either candidate, there will be ups and down, but we're going survive. America will be fine. Every needs to chill out, we need to quit with all the division and hate, that's what they try to do, they try to divide us. It's hard not to fall into it, I'm a victim of it myself. Anyway, I didn't mean to rant. Let me just say that echo chambers are real and very bad. Like it or not, lemme is an echo chamber, reddit is an echo chamber. The dangerous part is not to understand that one is in an echo chamber. I believe most here don't realize that they are in an echo chamber. Its unhealthy... anyway.. geez. Sorry

victimhood narrative.

Isn't that a correct narrative since there was, in fact, a victim?

You're implying Hitler wasn't as big a threat in 1936, but he should have been killed anyway... and you dont see how that would be wrong?

That's beside the point. You're all skewed... 1936 August 28: German authorities implement mass arrests of jehova Witnesses in Germany. Most are sent to concentration camps. They already had concentration camps in 1936. Hitler wasn't being called harmless. He wasn't a threat to the west yet, but he was a threat to many. He was a threat to Germany. In 1923, he staged a coup and went to prison. "The Beer Hall Putsch." No one like me was calling Hitler harmless in 1936.

That's actually beside the point, too. You want to execute an innocent man. Well... innocent of a crime that would call for the death penalty. You're endorsing the assassination of an ex-president. An execution not based on law and order. Its disgusting and un-American to wish such a thing. I doubt this is convincing you, and I'm probably wasting my time, so I'm done now

First, thank you for your comment without personal attacks, I'm getting torn up over here, but its me that is getting reported and comments removed for "incivility."

Anyway, what you say is true, but I believe we need to be discerning with respect to our political influences and sources. I don't think it's necessarily wrong to consider the opinions of others (pop star or not), but it should not have the weight to sway our voting one way or the other

... what?

Oh.. shwoosh. My bad sry.

I bet they'd also say if a pop star is influential on your political opinions, you're a damn moron.

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This is from a more detailed comment I made:

"Tim waltz (and family) finances. Facts: Tim owns no stock, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs. He owns no real estate, investment property, or otherwise (neither does his wife). He also has no 401k, IRA, or any retirement fund. His net worth is estimated to be 115,000$ to 330,000$. All this is not great, considering he's 60(ish?) nearing retirement. the average net worth for congresspeople and senators is around $1 million. His only legitimate source of income is his pension.

Pros or cons, we can decide for ourselves if all this makes him a better candidate for VP or not. We can make some assumptions, and one assumption I can make is that waltz personally seems to be financially ignorant.

There are other pros and cons about Waltz, but as far as finances, Tim Waltz is a scrub. And I think that these facts are very important when considering electing him into a position where he's at the controls for financial decisions for an ENTIRE country... whatever side you lean toward, all this should be concerning."

You're disgusting...

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Lol. Good one.

Lol, nice. Add making assumptions to that list now.

Got any more?

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Probably not a common occurrence. Has it happened? I'm sure at some point.

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Haha I wanna find the depth limit of your m... ! I'm jk. Just trying to help reach the thread limit.

I wish you were joking.

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Lol it is funny isn't it.

Very uncivil of you. You are part of the majority here, nothing important or intelligent to add, just ad hominems. Lemme is a trash heap.

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Lol... thanks. I appreciate that you commented this. Your comparison of Trump to Hitler clearly indicates your ignorance and immaturity. And the upvotes you've received helps (and downvotes my comment got) remind me of the crowd I'm dealing with here on lemmy. Hatefilled and ignorant. I don't particularly like trump myself, I'll admit it, but I don't wish murder on him... I could try to explain the serious differences between the 2 political leaders, but it would do neither of us any good. Yalls need more help than I can offer here.

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You're asking good questions, but I don't think you're actually open to hearing the actual right answers.

What would you consider to be an unbiased, credible source of factual information?

Oh geez... I don't think they make those anymore... the best we can do is try to recognize the bias when we see it.

I did find a cool app recently, though. It's called "ground news". It attempts to show bias of news articles. Being left, right, or center. It is very useful, I would recommend it.

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That truly is alarmist and overblown... don't buy into that crap. Neither candidate would "end democracy", or be the end of America. Both sides are pushing that fear mongering bullcrap, but that's all it is, bullcrap.

Politics seem recently more into playing on the fears of people. Vote with your head, not your heart.

Lol. Nice one.

But hey, I do agree with this. I'm glad we found common ground.

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