FINAL FANTASY XVI available on PC September 17th to – 122 points –
Pre-purchase FINAL FANTASY XVI on Steam

$50 for the base game, $70 with DLC included.

Steam link provided. Also available on Epic.


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Do you normally control more than one character then? I've only ever controlled one character in the ff I've played so that sounds weird.

Which FF have you played? I was talking about in combat. Most FF yes, you control one character while running around but in combat you fight with a team of three or four. For non-mmo's, only controlling one character during a fight is a first as far as I'm aware.

14, so yeah I guess that's more of an exception. I did play a tiny bit of 13 but hated the combat

Didn't play 13, but watched a friend play a bit and knew it wasn't for me. 13 has great music though.