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Joined 10 months ago

To be fair, they've been speed running the country checklist of "really shouldn't have a right to exist" they've done more to convince me that Zionism is a plague on our species than anyone else. The whole genocide is happening because of the idea of Israel so yes, if it goes away then that's a first step.

Hi, I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm changing the annual piracy subscription from nothing to 0 on the 31st of October. If you carry on then you'll end up exactly where you're headed. Thanks and have fun.

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If they were really trying to max their carcinogens then burnt pizza is a pretty bad way to do it.

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They can barely make AAA these days though

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Guess they'll have to do a better job at convincing me that I should pay for what's historically been free. I've never tolerated ads and I'm not about to start. At this point they're encouraging me to carry on out of spite, underhanded tactics are just giving me more reasons not to do what they want.

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CDDA probably. One of the more comprehensive zombie survival experiences

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I sure hope this friendly-looking fellow isn't behind any dastardly deeds...

I'm happy, I finished the burning crusade story and got out. No more blizzard from me, probably ever.

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Blender used to be basically unusable for me, the UI made no sense and attempting to use it after learning 3d through maya and 3ds it just didn't work. Then they made it good, I spent a few weeks learning it a few years ago and it's great now. What you're describing is exactly what they went and did

I don't agree with religion but you're talking about "reeducation" like they're not supposed to believe what they want.

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I voted against it, still annoyed.

And how else are you going to move things in space? Are you hiding a reactionless drive over there? Less fuel use is a good thing.

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Good thing we left, now we won't have to deal with the European climate :)

It would be ironic if Jesus did actually show up, turns around and is like "yeah no it's you guys who I'm deleting"

Probably because it's in China... though this seems like an unnecessary jump.

You can skip them but still have to let it pop up, I've also been put off by this. Also most of the arguments I've had against me when I've asked about mods for this are people saying things like "but it's dnd, you're supposed to have the dice" which is fair but I disagree, BG3 isn't a ttrpg and the animation showing up is immersion breaking.

I use discord light mode because people see it and are like "oh my god you use light mode" it's great, try to argue with me, you just fuel my entertainment. Also I don't look at the blazing screen in a dark room.

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Blender does an insane amount of things. 3d modelling, image editing, sculpting, rendering, procedural texturing, procedural modelling, video editing, physics simulations, animation, rigging, mocap. Probably some other things that I'm forgetting too.

Definitely blue

Hama's isn't helping anybody but there's a reason they've appeared, I don't agree with anything they do but Israel kinda created this. Zionism is as much of a problem as Islamic terrorism and when the entire MO is to claim a region that somebody already lives in you're literally asking for a response.

I'm sure the spiders have no problem fucking up there

Oh yeah it's a slog, the great divider that everyone has to overcome. They need to do another pass on reducing the amount of stuff and one of the problems is that buried in the trivial ARR stuff is some important information for later. It's sadly in a state of "just wait, it gets good after the first season".

Well yes but also no, learning from experience is all fine for just the people that refuse any kind of vaccine but as soon as they're actively killing other people then that's a big no.

Which reminds me of this quote "It is, of course, extremely toxic, but that’s the least of the problem. It is hypergolic with every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. It is also hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers, not to mention asbestos, sand, and water-with which it reacts explosively. It can be kept in some of the ordinary structural metals-steel, copper, aluminium, etc.-because of the formation of a thin film of insoluble metal fluoride which protects the bulk of the metal, just as the invisible coat of oxide on aluminium keeps it from burning up in the atmosphere. If, however, this coat is melted or scrubbed off, and has no chance to reform, the operator is confronted with the problem of coping with a metal-fluorine fire. For dealing with this situation, I have always recommended a good pair of running shoes. "

Honestly a few cheaters in a game is way less of a problem than letting a company, especially one owned by tencent, have root access to my pc. Anyway in my experience with league the cheaters are either mostly nonexistent or subtle enough that it doesn't impact the games. Also nobody in here's going to have a rank that's actually important and I don't see why they can't have the fun anticheat in tournaments and ranked but leave it out of the other things.

Alright but Global Positioning System is also a description of what all of them do, even if it's the name of a specific constellation it's not inaccurate to refer to the others as that. Even though it's not technically correct it's... actually I could argue that they're all technically systems used to give positioning information globally.

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Ok but what is that flavour? Strawberry cheese coffee? Is that common?

Nah, I'm not dealing with blizzard's shit ever again.

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22.5 is about the point where it starts being too warm

Rumia isn't a cannibal, she eats humans

Not what I'd pick but Junko fumo gets an updoot from me

There are some surprisingly good free games, plus no money commitment means you can just kinda play them

I have deja vu, I've definitely had part of this conversation in ffxiv

Which, coincidentally, isn't even American.

The other way would be that they weren't genocidal and maybe the problem wouldn't have happened in the first place. Israel and Hamas are both despicable groups but there's a clear instigator in Israel.

I just used YouTube revanced and set default YouTube links to go there

Alright so nobody's going to stop launching rockets realistically, there's too much potential in space to just ignore, rdre are a way to do the same with less.

Wait till you find out how pixels work

I haven't seen any anti adblock things on youtube if that's what you mean

But if you're actually creating things you've most likely invested time into learning creative tools. Ai seems like it could be useful for quickly generating reference though. But most of the time there's already useful enough refs on the internet already. So far ai has been more of a sidegrade and an alternative to making something.