The Pentagon Is Planning a Drone ‘Hellscape’ to Defend Taiwan

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 358 points –
The Pentagon Is Planning a Drone ‘Hellscape’ to Defend Taiwan

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TLDR: Squid, again, you're arguing my point. I do not support Xi or the attribution of racism when I call him Pooh Bear. That's racists.

I think you might want to read 's original comment to me that i'm responding to.

Ignoring the racism…yes, China has been very clear they don’t wish to use their military

I'm asking them to clarify the point how Pooh Bear is directly racist against the Han people and not just a derogatory term directed squarely at Xi Jinping.

I am fully aware of China's ethnographic makeup and policies, especially those of a certain Han Dynasty way back when. But here's the article I posted to them and now I post to you.

I honestly have no idea what your point is. I've tried to get you to clarify more than once, but you won't. You seem to be the only one talking about Winnie the Pooh. The rest of us are talking about China's policy with regards to Taiwan.

Maybe get off this Winnie the Pooh thing and discuss what everyone else is discussing.

Dude read the Wikipedia article that's all the context you need. Also, is Lemmy your job, all I see is you arguing with Pug and shitposting

Got it. You have no point to clarify, you're just a troll who can't be civil. I shouldn't have wasted my time.

__Whatever gets you through the day squiddy, go find pug he's bopping around here somewhere. Maybe you two can argue about Roman history and the Gauls since you're not reading my posts and just reacting to them._

Hey I hadn't looked at your recent post history before writing this and even if I hadn't I should still apologize.

I really hope your dog has a swift and lasting recovery.