Here Is the Speech That the Uncommitted Movement Wants to Give at the DNC to politics – 31 points –
Exclusive: Here is the speech the Uncommitted movement wants to give at the DNC

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Like Israel, the DNC refuses to acknowledge they exist

Biden said the Gaza war protests have a point. There is plenty to criticize about the DNC. This isn't one of those things.

"Those protesters out in the street, they have a point. A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides."

There's lots to criticize about Biden on this issue and his words mean little to nothing when he's the one in a position of power to act. But thank god he's not our nominee anymore. Harris can turn a new page.

She is off to a great start. Harris already took a stab at it tonight. The fact neither Harris nor Walz are zionists is a relief.

The vice-president said she would “always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself”, but also spoke of Gaza, saying “the scale of suffering is heartbreaking”.

Hollow meaningless words when they have the ability to get no one killed.

Again, there is plenty to criticize, but it is an acknowledgement. The suffering of the Palestinians has as least been allowed into the Democratic Party's organizational knowledge.

When it's mostly the Palestinians being killed, over 40000 currently which is an underestimate, it is inaccurate to assert the magnitude of the deaths are equivalent. The magnitude of the suffering of the Palestinians and the one-sidedness of the Gaza war against the Palestinians is the Democrats' organizational ignorance that needs to be corrected for everyone's sake, especially the Palestinians.