No one’s ready for this: Our basic assumptions about photos capturing reality are about to go up in smoke. to – 415 points –
No one’s ready for this

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Relevant XKCD. Humans have always been able to lie. Having a single form of irrefutable proof is the historical exception, not the rule.

Regarding that last panel, why would multiple people go through the trouble of carving lies about Ea-Nasir's shitty copper? And even if they did, why would he keep them? No, his copper definitely sucked.

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interesting thought. we haven't had photos in history, and people didn't need them. also, we've been able to produce text deepfakes all throughout history (and people actually did that - a lot) and somehow, humanity still survived and made progress. maybe we should question our assumptions whether we really need a medium to communicate absolute truth.

humanity still survived and made progress

Humanity never needed truth, for all of that. Only a good enough illusion.

It's just that, most of the times the illusions are not good enough and the truth comes out.

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