FBI investigating individuals tied to Russia state media ahead of 2024 election

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 143 points –
FBI investigating individuals tied to Russia state media ahead of 2024 election

The Department of Justice is reportedly investigating multiple people with ties to Russian state media, weeks after federal officials warned that the Kremlin is attempting to influence the upcoming presidential election through the media. 

The FBI has searched multiple individuals this month as part of the probe, including former U.N. weapons inspector and U.S. foreign policy critic Scott Ritter, and foreign policy commentator Dimitri Simes, US officials briefed on the investigation told The New York Times.


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Lmao AGAIN no one but you is talking about Cornel West. Got another dissertation lined up for this comment too?

Hasbara! That's what it's called... Not Hasbro.

Hope they pay well.