Microsoft formally deprecates the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel to – 650 points –
Microsoft formally deprecates the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel

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Can you enlighten me on what is the 'already half-assed solution that is the control panel on Linux" [sic]. That you mean.

Far as I know, there are many a different approaches to half-assed solutions to control panels on Linux [sic].

I phrased that very poorly. I'll edit the above to clarify.

I meant that the Windows Control Panel was always a half-assed solution in comparison to what OSX and Linux DEs do with proper settings manager applications.

On Linux DEs, a settings manager like Settings in OSX is usually present, and it is a far better solution.

Fair enough. And I didn't mean it as a slight. Just genuinely curious about what a unified Linux Control Panel might have been like.

This is not to say that the Gnome and KDE (or Plasma) panels (f. ex.) don't have their varied and myriad shortcomings, but that's another discussion.