Why does left wing advocates hate centrists?

True@lemy.lol to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – -7 points –

I just noticed that one of the news communities here discourage the use of least biased/centrist news sources and I saw some people who put that they hate centrists in their bios.

All is that is kind of weird to me and does not make sense, as I thought that all sides should encourage ideas from centrists and least biased sources.

Is there is something that I miss here?


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That's just my personal opinion, but centrists are often enablers of right-wing extremists/fascists. Since they don't really have their own opinion and political stance, they just kinda take the average of the left and the right-wing. This starts to become a big problem, when the right suddenly radicalizes, and the centrists now also move further to the right.

Since they don’t really have their own opinion and political stance, they just kinda take the average of the left and the right-wing.

I don't agree. As I said in other comment I consider myself as a centrist. And my view on the world is a reasonable one (in my opinion). I'm pro same sex marriage, abortion, women rights, same salary for the same work for both genders, public health care and education. But I'm also against unchecked illegal immigration, pretending to be woman so you can win in sports and social handouts. Why does it make me a target for right wingers and not left wingers?

I don't like the left-right political spectrum. It's not particularly good for explaining a more complicated political stance (e.g. like yours or mine). I see centrists as those who don't really have any opinion, not people who agree with some left-wing and some right-wing ideas. I would definitely describe myself as a leftist, because I agree with almost all basic leftist concepts, but there are other ones that I strongly disagree with. But I'm definitely nowhere near the political right wing, as even though I might agree with a few right-wing concepts, I absolutely despise of their fundamental ideas. But unfortunately I see various centrist parties in different countries that shift further and further to the right, because right-wing populists are gaining momentum and coming up with dumber and dumber, radical ideas.

I don’t like the left-right political spectrum.

Couldn't agree more.

I think we have similar views on the problem. The difference is how we define "centrist". I agree that parties painting themself as centrist tend to lean right. But I was talking about my views and opinions. I'm far from turning into right-wing nut.

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