How can I get a screw like this out? to No Stupid – 212 points –

I decided on cleaning my laptop fans today, which I've been procrastinating for about a year now because of this one screw. But I just can't seem to open this with my screwdriver, since whatever I did back when I last opened it it's nearly circular now. Is there a way to unscrew this?


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Maybe try a flat head screwdriver that'll fit diagonally across where there's some grip left?

Seconded. I've loosened many shredded screws this way.
Also, one can use a hack saw or similar to cut a slit into the screw head, that way you're more or less guaranteed to fit a flathead driver properly.

I do have a gigantic flathead but it doesn't exactly fit, though I will get one in the morning and try out your advice if I can't get it out by then. Thank you!

Get one of these cheap kits with multiple bits and try the largest Philips bit. Not necessarily the one pictured as this is more expensive than most:

Get something like this, but look for something that uses a 1/4” hex end for using it with a regular bit driver screwdriver if you don't have a drill that can go slowly in reverse.