TikTok Cucumber Salad Trend Sets Off Shortage in Iceland Groceries

Aatube@kbin.melroy.org to World News@lemmy.world – 67 points –

Kronan said cucumbers have sold out in stores across Iceland. The sales picked up so quickly that the store did not have time to prepare, said Gudrun Adalsteinsdottir, the company’s chief executive. “We are, just literally, eating it up,” joked Gudny Ljosba Hreinsdottir, 29, who runs Wake Up Reykjavik, an Icelandic tourism company with a walking food tour..


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I thought for sure this was going to be talking about the stores called Iceland, since that's tripped me up before. Now they fake left.

There’s a store called Iceland‽ Do they sell Zambonis or something?