Celebrating at the DNC in a Time of Genocide

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -42 points –
Celebrating at the DNC in a Time of Genocide

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Writing letters to politicians and making phone calls isn't going to do shit, they only answer the money and we don't have it.

So it'll do as much as screaming into the void on Lemmy - got it!

Well, you have to vote for Harris, protests are ineffective, as is posting on lemmy.

Ever notice that the only option is always stfu?

Protests have been getting a ton of media attention. I wouldn't say they're ineffective at all. I'd say they're the most effective thing you could be doing.

Yeah, just look at how that needle has moved from "unconditional support for genocide" to "unconditional support for genocide."

It's getting it in the public eye, though. That's something. Politicians would much rather it was just swept under the rug, and the high-profile protests are making sure that doesn't happen.

It may be getting in the public eye, but when it's pointed out to liberals, they start chanting things like four more years or USA USA.

So, what, you only want to protest if you can do it in an environment where there's no pushback? I'm not sure I follow your point. There are obviously people who disagree with the stance, that's not news. They have the same right to be vocal about their stance as anyone else does. Drown them out.

It’s getting it in the public eye, though. That’s something.

It's worthless. Just like all the platitudes about ceasefires. If we keep selling them weapons, they'll keep genociding. And that's the entire goddamned idea.