Celebrating at the DNC in a Time of Genocide

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -42 points –
Celebrating at the DNC in a Time of Genocide

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'rightwing talking point' yeah cause the right winger is me calling for an arms embargo and an end to the occupation of Palestine by Israel - famed left-wing progressive country... get real

@Kagu I'm not here for reddit style pissing matches. Not sorry.

Are you here to discuss the topic, then? Or just to leave snarky one-liners? Cause all you've done so far is 1) implied I'm a rightwinger and 2) told me im having a pissing match while discussing genocide. You've not... replied to any points I've made nor seemingly even considered them. I'm not here to pretend I can change your mind, but you're certainly not contributing much to the topic at hand