Squad Member Summer Lee Says Pelosi Wrong That Harris Should Govern From Center: ‘Progressive Ideals’ Are ‘What Average American Wants’

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 815 points –
Squad Member Summer Lee Says Pelosi Wrong That Harris Should Govern From Center: ‘Progressive Ideals’ Are ‘What Average American Wants’

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centrists because they will vote for them regardless of

Uh no they won't. That's what makes them centrists. Centrists will change their votes. That's what makes them centrists.

DNC sees that as a mandate? May I remind you they are going to where the voters are. You have cause and effect mixed up.

Guess what the Overton Window would have been if Gore had won? Way further left. Guess what the Overton Window would have been if Hillary had won? Again, further left. Leftists protest voting is quite literally the biggest self own in history.

Trying to imply that Hillary would have been more left is absolutely ridiculous.

Hilary vs Trump. Hmmmmmmm. Which one is more left? Hmmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmm.

Did things go of the deep end on the right with Trump? Hmmmmmm. Hmmmmm.

It's a tossup. They are both firmly right wing

Oh yes. After Trump's win, the right is now talking quite seriously about disbanding federal agencies like the EPA, FTC, DOE, etc. But they're totally the same. Yup. Absolutely the same. The Overton window on the right certainly didn't go off a cliff when Trump won. /s just in case.

If you can't see the difference you are willfully blind. Ciao.

If and when that happens, Democrats will do absolutely nothing to replace those agencies once they come back into power.