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Instead of making housing affordable they will make a 40 year mortgage the standard.

Theyve moved to so far to the right they are attracting republicans into the fold

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I'll make it easy for everyone, the left starts at anticapitalism.

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The corporation had created an affordable housing for the public is now going to be driving economic policy.

How the fuck is The Onion still in business when real life is more insane?

Democrats have been trying that method for a few decades and it doesn't work. Constantly repeating the same errors, expecting different results as ignorant. Like Democrats are fond of saying we live in a FPTP system, and if enough people supported a single third-party candidate that candidate would be first past the post. But they are terrified of potentially losing the few crumbs that get thrown at them every election year

Reagan was able to end carpet bombing with a call. George HW. Bush was able to end carpet bombing with a call, Margaret Thatcher was able to end carpet bombing with a call. Harris could end this bombing with a call. Out of one side of their mouth, they talk cease fire. And out of the other side of their mouth, they're saying that they'll send more money and weapons. This is why we cannot trust them. We listen to what they say and watch what they do.

And support the other party that is hostile to labor? They can't serve labor and capital.

Fascism is a right wing ideology, as is the entire DNC.

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There's as much likelihood of me voting for Harris as it was for Biden.

If a person's concern about human rights stops at the US border they don't care about human rights, but of protecting their status and privilege.

While liberals are concerned about the possibility of a Muslim ban they ignore an actual genocide that's going on at the hands of they people they support.

Minimizing genocide as 'some stuff' is the same as Holocaust denial.

I really like Kvaesitso though I'll admit I keep going back to Nova

This has 'i know you are but what am I' overtones

Officially trending downward based on claims from the same people telling us we are not struggling, with jobs numbers that are constantly being revised, and data showing poverty is increasing.

After listening to her Nuremberg rally level acceptance speech the other night, I can't see how anyone in good conscious could cast a vote for that. They're willing to embrace full fledged right wing authoritarianism, nationalism, imperialism, well funded police state, as long as its team blue doing it.

If someone were to read a transcript of her speech and was asked if there was Trump speaking, or if it was Harris speaking, I would stand to guess that a majority of people would default to Trump.

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They will refuse to acknowledge it, but they are just as big a victim of US propaganda as Republicans.

Get back to me when you realize that they both have interest in maintaining the status quo. That status quo keeps both fascist parties in power.

They are not wrong

Right wing is a broad spectrum, they don't have to be carrying tiki torches to be right wing. They could be silencing protesters with arrest, they could be physically assaulting people that dont agree with them, they could be having corporations drive economic policy. They could be expanding imperialism and corporate interests around the world.

No, but it does involve blind loyalty, which allows politicians to get away with a bunch of shit

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They didn't mention trans rights because they didn't want to alienate the Republicans that they're courting. They would rather shit on progressives than lose a conservative vote.

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Independents are a majority of voters, nearly double those that identify as Democrat

Diversity of opinion that goes against the grain of the echo chamber is never welcome around these parts.

He didn't have popular support.

Republicans get a voice, Israel gets a voice, Palestinians get shit.

The DNC has fully embraced becoming full fledged right wing conservative, instead of being covert about it.

The only people ever afforded a seat at the table are the moneyed class. And Democrats do need to be put under a microscope because they're the ones that pretend to be allies to the marginalized, While they Co opt our languages to use against us when we decide to not vote for them because they stabbed us in the back. Republicans wear their racism and their bigotry on their shoulders for all to see. For Democrats, it's covert.

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With all the time they allocated for Republicans, Israel, and cops there wasn't much left for actual marginalized people. At least they're finally being open and who they represent.

Many of those that chose not to vote are disenfranchised voters that do not feel represented in government, and rightfully so. Many of our lives do not fundamentally change for the better regardless which shade of fascism runs the government.

Liberals talk about building coalitions, which translates to 'do it our way otherwise you want the other team to win.' They want zero input from the marginalized groups they help keep marginalized, they do not listen to our needs.

Claiming that you want all the same things other people want is disingenuous when you demand we support the people fighting those changes.

Compared to international politics the DNC is very right wing. The Overton Window wouldn't exist without the DNC pushing their party and the country to the right.

Obama acknowledged his policies would be viewed as moderate Republican in the 80s. Enabling right wing policies with their ratchet effect helps push the party further to the right.

He also acknowledged Richard Nixon was more liberal than he was.

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The better alternative is to abandon the duopoly completely

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Based on Republicans passing over 500 anti-trans bills the last several years and Democrats haven't done shit except talk about it. Democrat version of protecting their rights is telling them they're free to use whatever restroom they want, while ignoring that they don't have access to affordable Health Care or housing and may live in abject poverty while using that preferred restroom.

Mother Jones would be turning in her grave knowing what the magazine bearing her name fights for these days.

The working class will NEVER have a seat at their table, only promises and illusions that someday we will so they can stay in power.

He didn't give up, he was all talk with no intent of action.

YOU have 2 options that have been created for you for them to stay in power.

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They have zero interest in protecting trans rights.

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I will vote, but it won't be for MAGA or Blue Maga.

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They sure are sounding a lot like Republicans with all this talk of patriot and waving USA signs.

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The donor class forced a sitting president to not run for re election..

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It was the liberals electing someone that capitulated to Hitler that was the problem. How did that work out for them?

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I'm betting everyone of those down votes was given by someone saying we need to protect democracy by supporting the party suing to keep people off ballots.