How Trump was 'orange-pilled' by three bitcoiners in Puerto Rico and the promise of $100 million to politics – 213 points –
How Trump was 'orange-pilled' by three bitcoiners in Puerto Rico and the promise of $100 million

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This is not worth it.

And yet you keep engaging, despite not even being the person I replied to in the first place.

You’re asking me to explain why bitcoin supporters would support bitcoin?

Of course not. Let me spell it out for you again:

The person I replied to tried to use bitcoin supporters complaining about the Fed creating money as a gotcha.

I explained how that doesn't land because:

supporters of Bitcoin, which has a fixed supply, would obviously be critical of printing off more of a fiat currency.

Then you called it bullshit, but have been incapable of explaining why that is. Instead choosing to shadow-box with made up arguments.

So you’re saying that you do not prescribe to bitcoins approach?

You believe that it’s all bullshit and are not saying the whole world’s financial systems are about to topple on a whim?

So just shadow-boxing it is then. Carry on.