US grid adds batteries at 10x the rate of natural gas in first half of 2024 to – 585 points –
US grid adds batteries at 10x the rate of natural gas in first half of 2024

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Like I thought, you’re misunderstanding what you’re reading.

Like I thought, you have nothing meaningful to say. I won't waste further time with you.

What? You're the one claiming that various metals aren't infinitely recyclable.

It's true that not all metals are, but many of them are (iron, aluminum, lithium to name a few) infinitely recyclable.

Current recycling technology doesn't really matter as it can and will improve with time as the brand new industry scales up.

I'm just here pointing out that your statements are false. That doesn't need to be meaningful to you if you have no interest in learning, but it's useful for other people who are reading this thread wondering why you're being downvoted.