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Joined 4 months ago

Nowadays everybody wants to talk like they got something to say but nothing comes out when they move their lips just a bunch of gibberish.

Every time I hear something about Netflix I always wonder how it is even still running. Still wild to me that they had the entire monopoly on streaming and fucked it up anyways.

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I have a feeling if we ever get to speaking with whales they are going to have a lot of words for us.

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To be fair it drives on its own. Off cliffs, into walls and other vehicles, while seemingly targeting pedestrians BUT it does drive on its own. haha

...against a backdrop of questions about Joe Biden’s mental sharpness.

How to spot a worthless article 101:

Step 1: It includes absolutely irrelevant information designed to push a narrative at all times.

Step 2: It was published by "The Guardian".

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Citations needed lmao. I’m pretty sure computer vision has recognized “objects” for decades. It’s a military tool for murdering non-yts with drones, etc.

Your "pretty sure" is not worth a lot considering how clearly you displayed your ignorance in 3 sentences.

  1. Search engines exist for a reason. If you search "computer vision" you will see very clearly it has not been functional, especially battle field ready, for "decades" as you claimed without citation while demanding citations.

  2. "non-yts" eh? Too afraid to spell the word "white" or what?

Honestly, do a little research and maybe a little soul searching before sharing your opinions with the world. Might be more meaningful for everyone involved.

We should be more concerned that "Consultant" is an actual job.

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The proof is reference to China. Just like if one were to say we should stop technological collaboration with India that would be enough.

Considering both Governments are notorious for reverse engineering things they only have on the condition they wouldn't reverse engineer it, both Governments are actively hostile to the "west", and both Governments are actively helping a war criminal get his hands on things he shouldn't I think it is safe to say no one needs much more of a reason other than a history book to say "Maybe we shouldn't be trading and collaborating with hostile nations".

No they screwed the pooch hard in the beginning. They could have bought up rights to basically everything for pennies compared to what it is worth now because of the leverage they had before any of those media publishers had options elsewhere.

Netflix was literally in the position to tell them what the price was back then and now they have nothing to bargain with because the market is saturated.

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The content creators freedom to express directly opposes the hosts freedom of affiliation. Not that I want to defend either company but they do have the right to say what is and is not allowed in their spaces using the same idea of "fundamental human rights".

It is either that or we have to agree that "fundamental human rights" cannot exist because one groups rights can override the other on social whim.

Every other creator on the planet has to abide by these rules if they want to remain on these platforms and every creator has an option not to use them.

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You should work on your spelling and grammar before acting like an authority.

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Care to explain how Reddit shitting the bed impacts your ability to eat?

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Define "discriminate".

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I love how it is all about what Israel should and shouldn't do with the drones, while directly citing Russia's Genocide against Ukrainians, without ever calling for Russia to stop. I guess Ukrainian Women, Children, and the elderly have the wrong colour and faith for anyone to give a fuck.

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Never claimed to be an authority. And being a grammar Nazi isnt an argument based in logic, its sidestepping any substance for the sole purpise of being a right old cunt.

It is not "being a grammar nazi" to point out your complete lack of ability regarding the English language. That is what is commonly known as an "observation". If you want to be observed differently change what is observable.

As an example, you observe me as "a right old cunt" and I am doing nothing to change that observation. In fact, it was my intent from go to be observed that way by you.

Thank the gods you rolled higher in perception than you did in intelligence or you may not have caught on so quickly.

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I find this comment funny.

Weird how you only tell me to stop while everyone else goes off.

Ironic, considering where this conversation is happening.

When does a platform cross the line between "group of people making money hosting other peoples content" to "fake corporate 'people'"? Does everyone working in any corporation automatically lose their rights?

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We will never know considering what they did instead.

There are over 8 billion people on the planet and Netflix is an international company. If they decided to not fuck around and find out they could have had the majority of that market for pennies and held it well past today.

They had the monopoly on a golden platter and fucked it up. If they were smart they would have cemented that position.

I would bet good money on this having come up in the conversation as a "valid" argument. Mother fuckers probably gave the guy a standing ovation. haha

The term is an actual job. "I'm" your work, that person is being paid to tell you what to do and not do the job they have years of experience in. Not sure what your field is, but your understanding of a job that you do not do is lacking.

Whatever you say. People who don't hate or wish to hurt others over how they were born generally don't have to keep telling everyone about it. Sounds like a lot of over compensation and projection to me.

Food for thought.

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Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks over the last five years.

Nice analogy.

Nope, going to need more than the American Heritage dictionary #2 definition from you on this one.

What does it mean to discriminate? What groups of people are protected from it under law? What are the penalties for it? In your own words and using your own thoughts.

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Sounds like you have no individual thought and default to personal attacks because you lack critical thinking skills.

I would return the pleasantry but you aren't deserving of kind words considering the aforementioned personal attack.

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Weird that you dislike a thing you cannot even define, and humorous that you think disliking something you cannot define means you have individual thought.

Instead of hearing someone else's opinion on something and taking it as your own, here is a simple step by step guide to help you in the future.

Step one: Learn all of the facts about a thing.

Step two: Form an opinion on that thing based on what you have learned.

Step three: Have the capacity to communicate that opinion, and the underlying information that formed it, to another person.

Hopefully that helps you through such "interesting times". ;)

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you’re so smart

I know. Try to emulate it.

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Fake lib outrage


No one values human life in this situation.

If anyone did they would pull support for both parties, step in with a coalition of 3rd party military and mediators, and handle the situation like it should have been handled for the last century.

Unfortunately that would upset the UAE if we took their geopolitical pawns off the board and the only thing "Western" governments care about is oil and money so we cannot be doing that.

Not breathing?

Nah... I am doing that.


Yup still going.


No issues here.


Yup still here! No matter how many people tell me to stop breathing here I still am. Its weird being a dead man walking but you get used to it. ;)

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If you cannot define what a hate crime is you have no business being a part of the conversation. Plain and simple.

Intelligent people debate the merits of ideas, ignoramus' virtue signal. Pretty clear where you fall so don't expect another response.

P.S. Take your own advice bud, you clearly have nothing of value to say.

Now imagine muntedcrocodile isn’t a native speaker.

Now imagine that you aren't completely ignorant to the rest of the world for just a moment and notice the Australian flag at the beginning of "muntedcrocodile". Doesn't take a very smart person to know what language is primarily spoken in Australia. Doesn't take a lot of perception to know those who learn English as a second language tend not to use things like "ur" and "u" excessively.

All that being said, your halo is in the mail and you managed to score 100 SJW points for your comment.

Kudos to you!

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Now let me tell you that Voyager doesn’t show flags.

This is what is commonly known as a "you issue".

and as a German, I used to use these abbreviations a lot. Just like the Dutch and other nationalities. In fact, I thought it was a non-english thing.

Well we aren't talking about you, the Dutch, or any other nationality that does not use English as their first language. We are talking about Australia and the fact that they speak English there. Your ignorance on the origins of English slang can be easily corrected with the device you are using to be arrogant and self righteous on.

By now you should have noticed what a massive asshole you are.

Do you know the phrase "the pot calling the kettle black"?

Edit: the use of SJW alone suggests to me that you’re a 4chan incel.

Says the one who posted their comment and came back less than 60 seconds later to edit this little gem in.

This may help you:

Is there a reason that you glossed over my main point being that one groups right to free expression is imposing on the other groups right to freely associate?

As I said above, either everyone has their rights respected at all times or there is no such thing as fundamental human rights. Just because you do not like the group exercising their rights doesn't mean they do not have them.

The content creators are free to express themselves on a platform that allows the content, and the hosts are free to decide what they allow. Nothing is stopping any one of these people from self hosting a website and posting whatever they want.

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Like I thought, you’re misunderstanding what you’re reading.

Like I thought, you have nothing meaningful to say. I won't waste further time with you.

Health and Environmental Concerns

Despite the positive outlooks on battery recycling, negative effects also have been shown to impact developing nations that recycle batteries, especially those with lead and lithium.

Lead is a highly toxic substance, and processing it can result in pollution and contamination of people, resulting in long-term health problems and even disability.[59][33] According to one ranking, lead-acid battery recycling is, by far, the most deadly industrial process, globally, in terms of Disability-adjusted life years lost—costing between 2,000,000 and 4,800,000 estimated lost years of individual human life.[60]

Since 2015, developing nations like Vietnam have increased their battery processing capacity as global demand for batteries has grown. The process for recycling batteries often leads to toxic metals being introduced into the environment. In many of these nations, there are little protections available for workers working with the batteries.[3] In nations like Indonesia, it was reported that over a span of four years, battery recycler's blood lead levels almost doubled.[61] Lead exposure to workers can also be transmitted to family members away from work, ultimately leading to lead poisoning. [62]

More studies continue to be conducted to gather an understanding of environmental impacts. Studies show that most lithium-ion batteries contain Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS accumulates in humans and wildlife, often leading to immune and thyroid disfunctions, liver diseases, and other issues relating to homeostasis inside of the body.[63] Lead contamination of neighborhoods has resulted from the process of recycling lead batteries. In 1992, the EPA reported 29 lead-recycling sites were on the EPA's Superfund clean-up list, 22 of them on their "National Priority List."[2]

Yes. Things can be infinitely recyclable. But since you’re such an expert. Tell me, what part of a lithium atom degrades during its life as a battery? I’m not expecting a good answer from you though since you think that burning a compound (to release the energy in its bonds) is then recyclable.

No, nothing can be recycled to infinite. It is asinine to even attempt to assert that.

But since you’re such an expert. Tell me, what part of a lithium atom degrades during its life as a battery?

Recycling Lithium batteries recovers approximately 20-96% of materials. This means best case scenario, which is not the norm in battery recycling, every time a battery is recycled 4% of the materials are lost.

Doesn't take a math genius to see how quickly finite resources dry up with a 4% loss every single time a batteries life ends.

I’m not expecting a good answer from you though since you think that burning a compound (to release the energy in its bonds) is then recyclable.

Funny because I never said gas was recyclable. You should learn to read before you try to make snide comments.

I hope the simple math and explaination I used is understandable to you, but I am not expecting much.

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After which they are essentially infinitely recyclable.

Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, is "infinitely recyclable". Literally defies physics.

Lets also not forget that oil is recyclable.

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The question is, what isn't?