Netflix officially removes Basic - the cheapest ad-free tier to – 715 points –
Netflix officially removes Basic - the cheapest ad-free tier

Netflix execs needs a new jet.


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Every time I hear something about Netflix I always wonder how it is even still running. Still wild to me that they had the entire monopoly on streaming and fucked it up anyways.

Netflix didn’t fuck their monopoly up. They just didn’t have an eternal technological moat. Their monopoly had an expiration date which is why they shifted to content generation.

Nowadays the problem they face is that there isn’t enough people on the planet to grow forever, so in order to keep growing they have to squeeze harder.

Their content is terrible tough, there they did drop the ball.

Seems like everything they made that was good was cancelled after one season. I dumped them for that, then they went all greed and now I hit the high seas if there's something I really want to watch.

All good shows that don't blow up to Stranger Things levels get cancelled and the recommendation algorithm prioritizes mediocre over great. Why would I pay for that 🤷‍♂️

It's the Fox model, which is what killed Firefly.

Airing episodes out of order didn't help either

There are over 8 billion people on the planet and Netflix is an international company. If they decided to not fuck around and find out they could have had the majority of that market for pennies and held it well past today.

They had the monopoly on a golden platter and fucked it up. If they were smart they would have cemented that position.

In their defense, they didn't fuck it up (at first), media publishers saw there was money in streaming and decided that they wanted a bigger slice of the pie. When everyone is trying to take the whole pie for themselves, no one ends up with any pie.

However pretty much every move they have done in the past 5 ish years has been fucking it up.

No they screwed the pooch hard in the beginning. They could have bought up rights to basically everything for pennies compared to what it is worth now because of the leverage they had before any of those media publishers had options elsewhere.

Netflix was literally in the position to tell them what the price was back then and now they have nothing to bargain with because the market is saturated.

But wouldn't them buying all the rights to "basically everything" incentivise them more to jack up prices and include ads since the user base has no legal alternatives ?

We will never know considering what they did instead.

Seriously. I was subscribed from the time they first started streaming... And then years later they remove the entire rating system, and replace it with a system clearly intended to confuse and manipulate their users into thinking they have better and more plentiful content.

I dropped Netflix then and there, and never looked back. They stopped being a great service at that specific moment.