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Joined 2 months ago

Dementia Don, the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can't complete a coherent sentence is too old. He needs to drop out, it's just embarrassing at this point.

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Don't believe the hype, FUCKING VOTE!!! Volunteer to give rides for those that can't make it to vote otherwise.

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Dementia Don, the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can't complete a coherent sentence is just too old. He needs to drop out. It's just embarrassing at this point.

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Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can't complete a coherent sentence is scared. He's looking really bad, the dementia is really getting to him. He picked a VP that he forgot was openly talking shit about him and loves fucking couches. He needs to just drop out, it's embarrassing.

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He's lying. He didn't go on that plane to see her. The weirdo was going to take a look to see if her plane had any couches. He was feeling a little frisky.

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This guy is just too old. He's lost it. Just a weird racist rapist with 34 felonies. He should be seeking treatment, not an election. It's embarrassing.

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The racist rapist, Dementia Don with 34 felonies needs to drop out, he's too old and can't even complete a coherent sentence.

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People still use twitter? It's just a right wing bot cesspool now.

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Election deniers is a bullshit term for people that are already preparing for the loss. Traitors is more fitting. Terrorists works too.

Stealing from google to fund your war that you're getting ammo from North Korea. Things are not going well for Putin are they.

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Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies that complete a coherent sentence is once again showing he's too old to run our great country. He needs to step down, it's embarrassing.

Looks like people are ok with an old racist rapist with dementia, but fucking a couch is where the line is drawn.

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Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can't complete a coherent sentence is just scared. He's too old and needs to drop out. He knows that she will absolutely eviscerate him in a debate.

My dad died to cancer four years ago. He was my hero. UNTIL he became a red hat wearing piece of shit. I was sad obviously, but it didn't hurt nearly as bad as it would have if he was still my dad. I lost all the respect I ever had for him.

Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can't complete a coherent sentence can't remember what his cult wants. He needs to drop out, he's just too old.

I'd love an EV that is fast and affordable like a tesla. I wanted a tesla but couldn't afford it. Now I can afford it but there is no way in hell I'm buying one. Fuck him, he should fuck off to Mars or the sun, either is a big W for the world.

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Now there's rage? The "jewish space lasers" wasn't a problem??? Need to deport her ass to Russia where she belongs.

She was in charge of keeping things safe, she failed in her responsibilities and someone died. She is at fault and should face the consequences.

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Wow. Dementia Don the RACIST rapist with 34 felonies that can't complete a coherent sentence is really a special snowflake isn't he? He's very fragile, maybe it's because he's sooo old. He needs to drop out, it's embarrassing.

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Waaay too old. This rapist with 34 felonies needs to drop out. He's got dementia and can't even complete a sentence. Sad.

Anyone that buys a car that has shit like this is a fool.

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Fuck off WEIRD orange man with 34 felonies and dementia that's too old.

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I want a president that doesn't have dementia, isn't a racist, is not a rapist, and doesn't have 34 felonies. One that didn't bang a porn star for an obscene amount of campaign fund money while their wife was home pregnant. Bonus points for not shitting their pants and having to wear diapers. (not the look I want representing our great country, some fat smelling like shit orange buffoon.)

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Dementia DonOLD the weird racist rapist with 34 felonies is the biggest snowflake.

It's unfair that this piece of shit wasn't hanged for treason, or rotting in a jail cell for getting people killed from his insurrection, or for being a fucking rapist.

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The rapist Dementia Don 34 needs to drop out. He's too old and his brain is cooked from all the adderall.

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Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can't complete a coherent sentence is really good at dodging things. Take the draft for a nice early example. Now this? Of course he won't debate her, he'll look like a baby that needs a diaper change. She'd fuck him up and make him look like the weak piece of shit he his. Yet "patriots" shout his name and will vote for him. This bastard doesn't have a patriotic bone in his McFat body.

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There should be consequences to blatant lies from the media and our politicians.

Vote, offer rides for other voters that can't make it on their own. If people vote, the racist rapist with 34 felonies will lose as usual.

"Here's what you need to know" - Avoid anything Google.

Good. I hope every single company that took advantage of the inflation by raising prices to the fucking moon goes under.

Dementia Don, the racist rapist with 34 felonies is scared to death to debate her. He's just too old, he can't even complete a coherent sentence. He really should drop out before she embarrasses him and his cult of morons.

I won't. It will always be twitter, and he bought it because people made fun of him.

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I'll just download the video and skip the shit, idgaf, I'm not watching ads, google can suck it.

She won't. He doesn't like anyone from his cult, they're just too dumb to see it.

Looking forward to watching his meltdown alongside Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies.

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I find him melting down a real feel good story. Fuck this guy. I look forward to watching him melt down and become America's biggest loser ever, if he hasn't hit that mark yet.

Wow, look at that guy. He's old and looks to be suffering from some form of cognitive disorder. Is he having a stroke? Is it dementia? Too much adderall? He should drop out and seek treatment. It's just sad.

In other words...."We're running out of cannon fodder"

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I'm just going to respond to everything with the rapist with 34 felonies has dementia and is too old, he needs to drop out, he has no chance to win.

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Mods be going hard lately. It's not really good. You have mods in .ml that will ban you for not liking your opinion. You have mods that will ban you if you call out an obvious troll/bot and tell you to let them know and they'll take care of it, BUT they ban you for reporting a troll/bot.

They need to make it where we can see what mod is removing comments and banning people. Right now you can see what actions were taken but you have no idea who did it. It's pretty clear there are some bad actors out there and they're really making this platform less appealing by the day. When you let trolls run wild and ban the humans because they're calling out bullshit....... you have a problem.

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