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Joined 1 years ago

This PR/meme is my spirit animal

It's been years since I've used YouTube without Revanced, SponsorBlock, and uBlock Origin. The vanilla experience when I see it on other people's devices horrifies me every single time.

Galaxy Note 9. It was the last fully featured phone Samsung made with a headphone jack, an S-Pen, and no display cutout. The only phones that have come out since that are even close to as fully featured are the Sony Xperia phones.

I bought one brand new a few months ago because my S7 died and I couldn't justify dropping $1000 on an Xperia phone. It's an EU model bought from US Amazon so I definitely overpaid, but it's been worth it so far. Definitely holds up imo.

It's obviously not flagship level, but it's still a solid mid-ranger. It doesn't get software updates anymore so officially, I'm stuck on Android 10 and an old security patch. However, I can upgrade to One UI Android 12/13, or whatever the latest AOSP is through the magic of custom ROMs if it ever starts to bother me.

Edit: The only issue I have is that the fingerprint reader isn't as fast as I'd like it to be. I'm not sure if it's common or just a me issue despite searching a bunch so any help would be appreciated :)

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I have an init.sh file I run from my dotfiles. Pipe my sudo password to it and leave it alone for about an hour. Gets things 95% of the way to how I like them.

I should migrate to ansible like u/djehuti@programming.dev but time :(

Oh wow, I liked watching his speedruns, and this makes me respect LilAggy even more.

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Already switched to Firefox for work on linux and I'll switch on my "entertainment" windows install as well soon... just need to find time to do the sync stuff

When you say "hardware encoding", are you talking about using your GPU for stuff like transcoding when streaming to devices?

I ask because I actively disable all transcoding because I run jellyfin off my laptop and don't wanna overwork it so to speak. I just assumed it was using the GPU.

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Feels like home

Honestly, dark theme is how they got me with that one. Haven't used the site aside from search results since the API changes went live but I like to think I'd leave if a new redesign was worse.

Yooooo I also had an S3. That phone was a TANK! I dropped it on some rocks and smashed the screen once so I had to get a screen replacement but that was the worst of it (and completely understandable). Aside from that it was a fantastic phone and very durable! I had it on LineageOS Android 7 (or 6 idk) before it got stolen :(

Agreed, souls community is definitely one of the most wholesome communities I've seen/been in on twitch. Drama free (afaik) and everyone's super nice and supportive of everyone else even when they're in direct competition. It's great.

I'd vote for ya

On I 100% agree with you here. But here's my (and I think a lot of people's) logic:

It's slightly different in the case of YouTube. The shop isn't putting Karen (and everyone else) under a microscope the second she walks into the store, and using that data to tailor what she sees in their other branches so she's more likely to buy. They're not creating what's effectively a gigantic influence market out of the data, and I don't think you are doing that to your clients either (although to be honest, I'd be pretty impressed if you were).

YouTube is free because "we are the product". They're harvesting our data whether we block ads, skip ads, watch ads, or pay for premium (as far as I know, please correct me if I'm wrong). It may not be profitable on its own but it sure as hell is bringing value to Google's other services. All the while, it's actively getting worse for end users (more and more ads, no more dislikes, not respecting video quality choices as well as it used to, hiding quality settings behind obtuse menus on mobile, no home page without watch history...)

Ultimately, "line no go up big like last year grug mad" is what matters to Google's shareholders and what ultimately drives their decisions. I firmly believe that we'd still be having this conversation if YouTube somehow making a profit with ad blockers on, so fuck em.

Fair enough, just saw the "if you're not an IT worker" comment haha

I'm no cryptography expert but I don't see how they could implement this with true anonymity or without it being spoofed in other browsers. There is currently no way to know with absolute certainty what browser/client web traffic is actually coming from and game anti-cheat devs will probably tell you it's a nightmare of a problem.

The way I see this working is making it a Mozilla account thing and not a Firefox thing through some sort of stateless cross-origin cookie the sites agree to support. But then, you're giving up at least some privacy because even if the sites you visit don't know who you are, you'll still have to trust that Mozilla is logging anonymized visit counts and that some CEO 5 years from now isn't going to change that for a quick buck.

Maybe I'm just out of my depth here and someone's gonna correct me (please do if I'm wrong).

8 years here on relay here. I'm a little sad the reddit I used to love is dead now. Wiping my account because there is no way I'm installing that POS official app (it was trash in 2018 and it's trash 5 years later) or dealing with the greedy crap anymore. My first 10 minutes on Lemmy seem great though so I'm cautiously optimistic.

A series are pretty solid. My sis has an A32 and it's great. I'd daily drive one myself if it wasn't for the notch haha

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Okay now I feel a little bad for blocking ads on twitch if their ads are reasonable. Maybe I should consider adding it as an exclusion?

Yeah, Vore. That awesome song by the British metalcore band Sleep Token.

The season 1 intro is so god damn pitch perfect I think it makes what is an incredible season of television seem like crap by comparison.

Hyperboly obviously, the show's amazing

Can you even update Safari separately on iOS?

Nevermind, read that as "people refuse" instead of "apple refuse"

Fuck Apple.

I've had to debug a PDF viewer on a site once. Getting that to work across multiple versions of multiple browsers was a nightmare and I never managed to figure it out. Latest versions are mostly fine (except for mobile safari), but even 1yo versions of browsers are just broken.

Maybe I'm missing something, but it got bad enough that one of the "potential solutions" I was considering involved figuring out how to compile a C based pdf renderer thingy into WASM and embedding it in the app.

This was about 7 months ago.

I agree though, add to cart should NOT behave differently across browsers in 2024.

Oh come on, it's better to be helpful if you can rather than just saying "for you" and adding nothing else to the conversation.

Seriously I'm sure they'd love to try it again if the issue is resolved. I know I wouldn't pick Plex over Jellyfin unless I had no choice.

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Ah, my use case right now is almost exclusively streaming stuff from my laptop to a phone with HEVC support over a local network so I can just turn transcoding off and be okay.

I did however have issues with my lack of transcoding (I turned it off myself, not Jellyfin's fault. Pitchforks down, people) on a tablet without hardware HEVC support though so I may have to experiment with it soon.

FWIW I had to go in and turn the feature off but there's also a good chance it was using CPU instead of GPU

Oof $300 for a repair is rough, especially considering you can get a refurb Note 9 or 10 for less than that (US or EU at least). What are you daily driving now?

S Pen is one of those things that I didn't think I'd use much but I keep whipping out for this or that. It's kinda great!

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