Chaos in France after Macron refuses to name prime minister from leftwing coalition to World – 379 points –
Chaos in France after Macron refuses to name prime minister from leftwing coalition

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lol managers and engineers aren't workers TIL

So essentially no one can leave then? First you say that capitalists should leave but workers stay. Then you say managers and engineers are workers…

So essentially you want everyone to stay?

I see you don't understand the most basic division between the working class and the owning class

You have no class consciousness.

I feel bad that I mocked you earlier, you don't have clear ideas about what capitalism is, what the working class is, or how our economic system is based on economic dictatorship by wealthier people over poorer people.

Socialism is about making the economy into a democracy, you don't want your private life or public life controlled by a dictator, why your work life? That's half your waking hours. You're living in a dictatorship for half the time you're conscious.

The workers should own what they produce, that includes management, it includes "skilled" labor and "unskilled" labor. It includes everyone but the shareholders and private owners who are a parasite.