Call the Greens an ‘independent party,’ not ‘third party’: Jill Stein

Socialist to politics – -13 points –

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No, I mean that being spoliers is their function. They exist to siphon votes off Democrats

It's absurd to claim that third parties are nothing more than tools to weaken the Democrats.

Many of us who champion third parties do so out of a fierce belief in the need for real, transformative change—not to play into the hands of the Republicans.

I'm beginning to think that maybe your real aim is to keep people shackled to the same two-headed beast that fears any challenge to its power.

And now I think you're just another mouthpiece for the duopoly, terrified of the revolution that true independent voices could spark. And you are only saying this stuff to confuse people and make them second-guess themselves.

A 23 day old account desperately shilling for third parties and telling everyone else they are a “mouthpiece”…


How long should I have an account before I can start posting stuff I am interested in? I didn't see a timing reference when signing up.

Can’t say before posting inflammatory shit.

Something to consider before posting inflammatory shit… It’s almost like your content means more than your age… but you’re focused on what?

Can’t say before posting inflammatory shit.

So because I am not voting for your candidate, and I believe in workers rights, this is "inflammatory shit"?! Say what, brother?!

but you’re focused on what?

I've already posted my opinion and views. I'm not sure what you seem to be unclear about. What can I help you understand, friend?

Substance and content matters? Maybe your posted “opinion” is disagreeable?

What can I help you understand as everyone downvotes you?

Maybe your posted “opinion” is disagreeable?

Oh, I am very sure what I post is disagreeable to you. It's quite obvious that you don't want the Duopoly Regime to change.

What can I help you understand as everyone downvotes you?

Ah, the downvotes—proof that I've struck a nerve in the belly of the two-headed snake you seem so enamored with.

If my words shake you to your core, it's because they expose the rot of a system that thrives on keeping us divided and powerless.

I don't need your help, friend; it's clear you're too busy worshiping the duopoly to see the truth staring you in the face.

And I'm still not gonna vote for Harris. Nor are many of my friends. You haven't changed my mind at all. :)

Keep telling yourself who I worship as everyone downvotes you. The “duopoly” is your issue… everyone else works in the real world as you keep on that duopoly… I’m sure decades from now you’ll make a difference. Just like decades before folks saying the same thing have made… Maybe just maybe… I’m not the enemy.

Keep telling yourself who I worship as everyone downvotes you.

I will. I know you're scared at the thought that there may be change. You're so used to the Democrats and the Republicans running everything, that you can't imagine something different.

Oh, the "real world" you're talking about—the one where the duopoly keeps folks like you complacent while the rest of us fight for real change. You may find comfort in the crumbs they toss your way, but don't mistake that for progress

The voices calling out the duopoly aren't silenced by downvotes; they're fueled by the knowledge that every pushback is a sign we're hitting where it hurts.

Decades from now, when the cracks in your beloved system become too wide to ignore, remember these words: true change takes more than blind allegiance to a broken machine.

It’s absurd to claim that third parties are nothing more than tools to weaken the Democrats.

I didn't say third parties. I said the Green Party in particular.

Who is a third party and doesn't changed anything in my reply. It seems to me that you're trying to stir up confusion and discontent because you fear the change that threatens the status quo. What party do you really work for?

To hear centrist Democrats say it, I'm a shill for Putin himself because I don't like the Bidenyahu genocide. To hear you say it, I'm a shill for Democrats because I don't like your spoiler candidate and her spoiler party.

To hear centrist Democrats say it, I’m a shill for Putin himself because I don’t like the Bidenyahu genocide. To hear you say it, I’m a shill for Democrats because I don’t like your spoiler candidate and her spoiler party.

Sounds like you're caught in the crossfire of a broken system that labels anyone who challenges the status quo as a "shill" for one side or the other. Welcome to my world.

But let’s be real—standing against genocide and calling out the failures of the two-party system doesn’t make you a shill for anyone. It makes you someone who refuses to accept a false choice between two evils.

Whether you support third parties or not, the real fight is for a democracy that represents all voices, not just the ones convenient for those in power.

But it’s hard for me to feel sorry for you when you’re so adamant that Jill Stein is a shill for the Russians and Republicans, parroting the same baseless accusations that keep real change from happening. And those are the same accusations that you’re now facing yourself.